14 Functions performed by proteins in mammals.

14 Functions performed by proteins in mammals.

  • Make up structures, e.g., collagen make up connective tissues which allows to build and repair body tissue
  • Act as buffers in blood
  • Soluble proteins maintain fluid balance in the body
  • Play a role in transporting substances like drugs in blood
  • Make up enzymes such as catalyse and amylase.
  • Are constituent of hormone such as insulin
  • They are constituents of antibodies that protect the body from foreign particles.
  • Make up muscles such as myosin and actin
  • They are storage food e.g. egg white
  • Constitute toxins such as snake venom for protection.
  • Provide energy when carbohydrate and fat intake is inadequate.
  • Structural proteins on the skin prevents entry of infectious microbes
  • Proteins help in contraction of muscle
  • The protein found in the dermis, elastin, keeps skin flexible.
  • Tissue Regeneration

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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