Effect of heat on hydrate iron II sulphate pentahydrate

08/28/2022 0

On heating, iron(II) sulfate first loses its water of crystallization and the original green crystals are converted into a white anhydrous solid. FeSO4.7H2O(s) → FeSO4(s) ... Read More

Effect of heat on copper sulphate pentahydrate

08/28/2022 1

On heating (2000C) copper sulphate pentahydrate  loses it loses water of hydration and turn from blue crystal to white powder CuSO4.5H2O(s)  → CuSO4(s) + 5H2O(l) ... Read More

A-level math paper 2 Projectile motion

08/22/2022 1

Please double click and download the PDF below A-level math paper 2 Projectile motion Read More

A-level math paper 2 Linear momentum

08/14/2022 3

Please double click and download PDF: A-level math paper 2 Linear momentum Read More

A-level math paper 2 Variable acceleration, velocity, displacement and work

08/13/2022 1

Please double click and download the PDF below A-level math paper 2 Variable acceleration, velocity, displacement and work Read More

A-level math paper 2 Work, energy and power

08/10/2022 0

Please double click to download the PDF below A-level math paper 2 work, energy and power Deals with Work done by constant force Work – ... Read More