A solution of sodium thiosulphate become cloudy with the formation of a yellow precipitate when left in air.   Explain.       

12/31/2022 0

carbon dioxide dissolve in water to form carbonic acid; the acid hydrolyzes thiosulphate to yellow sulphur S2O32- (aq) + 2H+ (aq)  → H2O (l) + ... Read More

Sodium chloride melts at 8000C whereas aluminium chloride sublimes at 1800C Explain 

12/31/2022 1

Sodium chloride melts at 8000C whereas aluminium chloride sublimes at 1800C. Explain Sodium ions have low charge density compared aluminium ions Thus sodium ions weakly ... Read More

How the stability of the oxidation states of group IV element vary down the group. (Illustrate your answer with the chloride of carbon and lead) 

12/31/2022 0

Oxidation state +2 become more stable down the group Oxidation state +4 become less stable down the group. This can be illustrated by chlorides of ... Read More

The acidity of halogens acids decrease in the order HI>HBr>HCl although their ionic characters increase in the reverse order.   

12/31/2022 0

In other solvents, however, the strengths of these acids decrease in the order HI > HBr > HCl:  due to the decrease in the H-X ... Read More

How can you distinguish between sodium bromide and sodium iodide, given chlorine water and tetrachloromethane

12/31/2022 0

Chlorine is bubbled through a mixture of sodium bromide solution and tetrachloromethane; tetrachloromethane layer turns orange, similar treatment with sodium iodide give a black tetrachloromethane ... Read More

Advantages/merits of protectionism in an economy

12/31/2022 0

It protects domestic/infant industries; trade restrictive policies like quotas, import duties, etc. reduce on demand of imported products thereby reducing competition form the local products. ... Read More

Examine the effect of high population growth

12/31/2022 0

Advantages of high population growth A high population also provides a large market for goods and services within a given country. A big population size ... Read More

Disadvantages of high population growth

12/31/2022 0

Increase government expenditure on infrastructure like schools and health care Increased environmental degradation/pollution, garbage accumulation It fuels income inequality since not all people will get ... Read More

Advantages of high population growth

12/31/2022 0

A high population also provides a large market for goods and services within a given country. A big population size provides labour which combined with ... Read More

Differentiate between under population and over population

12/31/2022 0

Under population is a situation of having a lower density of population than is normal or desirable to achieve full potential of economical output. Over ... Read More

Over population

12/31/2022 0

Over population is a situation where the number of people living in an area exceeds the available resources. In this case an increase in population ... Read More

Factors necessary for economic growth are:

12/31/2022 0

Availability of natural resources in term of quantity and quality e.g. land water, natural forest, national parks, etc. produce goods and services. Capital accumulation through ... Read More

Distinguish between economic growth and economic development

12/31/2022 0

Economic growth is the sustained persistent quantitative increase in the country’s volume of goods and services as measured by an increase in Gross National Product ... Read More

What is Economic development

12/31/2022 0

Economic development is the sustained persistent quantitative and qualitative increase in the country’s volume of goods and services as measured by an increase in Gross ... Read More

What is economic growth

12/31/2022 0

Economic growth is the sustained persistent quantitative increase in the country’s volume of goods and services as measured by an increase in Gross National Product ... Read More

How are profits maximized in a perfectly competitive market in short run

12/31/2022 0

Profits in a perfectly competitive market in short run are maximized at a point where MC = MR when AC < AR and MC curve ... Read More

Disadvantages/Demerits of price mechanisms

12/31/2022 1

It promotes income inequalities.  This is because   the more   resources   you have, the more the income.  Therefore   people who do not have resources   remain poor ... Read More

Advantages/Merits of price mechanism

12/31/2022 1

Increases variety of goods and service Encourages hard work It increases efficiency in resource allocation. Under price mechanism, the major aim of producers is profit ... Read More

State effects of a regressive tax.

12/31/2022 0

It reduces the demand for goods like tobacco and alcohol products. It lowers aggregate demand Leads to social unrest It promotes income inequality between the ... Read More

What is the main purpose of a sin tax?

12/31/2022 0

Sin taxes are designed to increase the price of goods and services in an effort to lower consumption of undesirable goods such tobacco and alcohol. Read More

Sin tax

12/31/2022 0

A sin tax is an excise tax specifically levied on certain goods deemed harmful to society and individuals, such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, candies, soft ... Read More

What is Pigouvian subsidies?

12/31/2022 0

A pigouvian subsidy is a subsidy that is used to encourage behaviour that have positive effects on others who are not involved or society at large. ... Read More

What is the purpose of a Pigouvian tax?

12/31/2022 0

A Pigovian tax is intended to tax the producer of goods or services that create adverse side effects for society. Economists argue that the costs of ... Read More

Pigouvian tax

12/31/2022 0

A Pigouvian tax, named after 1920 British economist Arthur C. Pigou, is a tax on a market transaction that creates a negative externality, or an additional ... Read More

What is meant by a regressive tax?

12/31/2022 0

A regressive tax is a tax whose rate in terms of percentage reduces as the level of income increase. Here the low income earners pay ... Read More

Disadvantage of a central planning. 

12/31/2022 0

It discourages hard work It involves bureaucracy It ignores the interests/freedom/choice of individuals It encourages development of monopoly It leads to misallocation of resources against ... Read More

What is centrally planned economy?

12/31/2022 0

A centrally planned economy, also known as a command economy, is an economic system where a government body makes economic decisions regarding the production and distribution ... Read More

State reasons why an increase in money supply may not necessarily lead to inflation. 

12/31/2022 0

When there is an increase in foreign exchange earnings from export and tourism When the marginal propensity to save (MPS) is high When demand for ... Read More

How is balance of payment deficit corrected under a floating exchange rate?

12/31/2022 0

Export promotion Import substitution Import restriction Adoption of barter trade Read More

State ways of solving/managing seasonal unemployment

12/30/2022 0

Try to diversify the economy. This could be hard to do in touristy areas. Regulations which involve paying workers throughout the year, even if work ... Read More

Distinguish between seasonal unemployment and technological unemployment

12/30/2022 0

Seasonal unemployment is a form of unemployment that occurs when people are unemployed at particular times of the year when demand for labour is lower ... Read More

What is technological unemployment?

12/30/2022 0

Technological unemployment a phenomenon where new inventions change the nature of work, eliminating some specific jobs while also creating new higher paying jobs and launching ... Read More

What is seasonal unemployment

12/30/2022 0

Seasonal unemployment is a form of unemployment that occurs when people are unemployed at particular times of the year when demand for labour is lower ... Read More

Why should the government influence the location of an industry?

12/30/2022 0

To reduce on regional imbalance in terms of development To improve on social infrastructure like roads, hospital, schools, etc. To gain political support To provide ... Read More

State  features of an economy which has attained the drive to maturity stage of economic growth 

12/30/2022 0

Long sustainable growth Very high degree of industrialization Very low rate of population growth New production techniques High and well developed infrastructure High rate of ... Read More

Define the term “marginal propensity to save.” 

12/30/2022 0

Marginal propensity to same is the proportional of consumer’s additional income that is saved Or Marginal propensity to save (MPS) is an economic measure of how ... Read More

What is the importance of price elasticity of demand to the producer? 

12/30/2022 0

It helps a producer in determining prices for his commodities. If a commodity has elastic demand, the producer will reduce the price and charge high ... Read More

Types of factor prices in an economy

12/30/2022 0

Rent for land Wages or salaries for labour Interest for capital Profit for entrepreneurship Read More

What is factor prices?

12/30/2022 0

Factor prices are the rewards offered to factors of production for the service rendered. Or A factor price is the unit cost of using a factor ... Read More

How does inflation cause unemployment? 

12/30/2022 0

High inflations lowers purchasing power leading to reduction in aggregate demand and leads to low productivity in an economy It reduces the level of saving ... Read More

What are the major obstacles to technology transfer from developed to developing countries?

12/30/2022 0

Inadequate capital to purchase and use the technology Insufficient technical and scientific skills to adapt technology Limited market High level of protectionism making technology inaccessible ... Read More

Meaning of Technological transfer

12/30/2022 0

Technological transfer is the movement of new technology from the inventor to a secondary user, usually from developed to developing countries in an attempt to ... Read More

What is technological development

12/30/2022 0

Technology development means the overall process of invention and innovation of new modern techniques of production of new high quality goods and services, e.g. the invention ... Read More

Relate small scale industry with “informal” sector

12/30/2022 0

Both are small sized with low output level They both require little capital for establishment and maintenance Both use local inputs They are all scattered ... Read More

With reasons, suggest the Rostov’s stage at which Uganda current level of development is.

12/30/2022 0

Uganda is pre-condition for take-off stage because There is increased rate of saving and investment needed for development The illiteracy rate of the population is ... Read More

Describe Rostov’s stages of economic growth?

12/28/2022 0

Rostov divided economic growth process into five stages The traditional stage Dominated by the subsistence sector with limited levels of exchange. Primitive technology, Agricultural sector ... Read More

Why is devaluation failing to solve the problem of persistence of balance of payments problems in Uganda?

12/28/2022 0

Price inelasticity of demand for imports making devaluation to lead to more capital outflow. Price inelasticity of demand for exports, i.e. devaluation has little benefits ... Read More

 What is the cause of persistence of balance of payments problems in Uganda (LDCs)

12/28/2022 0

Exportation of low cost primary products leading to low foreign exchange incomes. Importation of expensive manufactured products leading to high foreign exchange expenditure. Limited variety ... Read More

When sodium carbonate solution was added to 2,4,6 – trinitrophenol solution effervescence of a colorless gas occurs whereas when sodium carbonate solution was added to phenol, there is no observable change.  Explain.

12/27/2022 0

2,4,6 – trinitrophenol iberated carbon dioxide from sodium carbonate while phenol does not because  2,4,6 – trinitrophenol contains electron withdrawing groups (nitro groups); these withdraw ... Read More

e. Ice is less dense than water.

12/27/2022 0

The hydrogen bonds in water ice are indeed strong, but their orientation causes molecules to push apart leading to an open structure of a bigger ... Read More

The boiling point of ethanol is higher than that of ethane.

12/27/2022 1

Ethanol forms intermolecular hydrogen bond that require high temperature to break whereas ethane form weak molecular forces Read More

Magnesium readily reacts with concentrated nitric acid whereas beryllium does not react with concentrated nitric acid. explain

12/27/2022 1

Beryllium forms an impervious layer of oxide which prevents further reaction whereas magnesium is an electropositive element that reacts readily with nitric acid Read More

Explain why the boiling points of ethanol solution is lower than that of water and pure ethano

12/27/2022 0

In solution of ethanol the forces of attraction between unlike molecules are weaker than those of like molecules this leads to high tendency to evaporate ... Read More

Explain why the boiling point of a hydrochloric acid solution is higher than that water and pure hydrogen chloride

12/27/2022 1

Hydrochloric acid solution undergoes negative deviation because hydrogen bonds between water hydrogen chloride molecules are stronger than those between like molecules. This reduces evaporation tendency ... Read More

Explain why lattice energy of magnesium oxide (MgO) is higher than that of magnesium chloride (MgCl2)

12/27/2022 0

Magnesium oxide has high lattice energy because Magnesium ions and oxygen ion are bonded by a double bond that is stronger than a single bond ... Read More

Explain why lattice energy of lithium fluoride (LiF) is higher than that of sodium fluoride (NaF)

12/27/2022 0

LiF and NaF have the same charge product, as lithium and sodium are both 1+ and fluorine is 1-. The fluorine radius will be the ... Read More

What is pump printing?

12/27/2022 0

Pump priming refers to the collective stimulatory measures taken by the government by undertaking higher expenditure and tax cuts. In most occasions pump priming is ... Read More

How would a monetary policy solve the problem of balance of payment deficit and economic stagnation

12/27/2022 0

Use of open market operations. It involves the purchase of securities from the public in order to increase money supply. By reducing bank rates to ... Read More