Soil science and soil productivity in agriculture

05/31/2024 0

Soil This is a mixture of weathered rock materials and organic matter which are formed through physical, chemical and Biological processes. Or It is the ... Read More

Pests and disease control in agriculture

05/28/2024 0

Pests are living organisms that cause damage to crops in form of quality and quantity. Ways by which pests cause damage the crops Eat the ... Read More

Weeds and weed control methods in agriculture

05/26/2024 0

Weeds are plants that compete with crops for nutrients, water, sunlight and space. Importance of weeds Positive importance /advantages of weeds provide humus and nutrients ... Read More

UACE S101 General Paper section B: Logic Quiz 16

05/24/2024 0

Study the information below and answer the questions that follow A Bbosa Housing Company builds houses for sale. A person who wishes to buy has ... Read More

Challenges that affect the housing and real estate industry in Uganda.

05/24/2024 0

High and rapidly rising cost of Land Poor land tenure system some land lacks titlein some place land is communally possessed. Delay in processing land ... Read More

UACE S101 General Paper section B: Logic Quiz 15

05/23/2024 0

Study the information carefully and answer the questions which follow: Sixteen countries are participating in Natioanl Cup Final tournament. They have been grouped as follows: ... Read More

Importance of sports tournaments

05/23/2024 0

Positive importance of sports tournament -  create employment opportunities for referees organizers - provides market for uniforms, football, - promote international relationships - boots tourism  ... Read More

Measures  to improve/promote sports in Uganda.

05/23/2024 0

Increase funding to the ministry of education and sport. Recruit competent coaches Reduce taxes on sports equipments Promote sports teams right from grassroot. Construct sports ... Read More

Importance of donations to developing countries

05/21/2024 8

Positive importance of donations -Source of foreign exchange Enhance technological transfer Create employment opportunities To provide infrastructures such as school, medical facilities, roads etc. Subsidize ... Read More

UACE S101 General Paper section B: Logic Quiz 14

05/20/2024 13

Study the information carefully and answer the questions which follow: Santo is a blind man. He is also very poor. Despite his blindness and poverty, ... Read More

UACE S101 General Paper section B: Logic Quiz 13

05/20/2024 8

Study the information carefully and answer the questions which follow The government of Uganda introduced Universal Primary Education (UPE) in 1997, 360,000 primary school children ... Read More

Causes for the dropout rate in Uganda

05/20/2024 11

Finacial difficulties to pay fees and get scholastic materials Illness/chronical illness Loss of interest/bad teacher children relation ships Dismisal due to indiscipline Peer pressure Long ... Read More

Solution to reduce the school dropout rate.

05/20/2024 8

Cultivate good relationships between teachers and pupils Making teaching and learning enjoyable and relevant Provide counselling and guidance against drugs, relationships, bad peer influence, and ... Read More

UACE S101 General Paper section B: Logic Quiz 12

05/19/2024 0

Study the information carefully and answer the questions which follow Uganda has a growing number of orphans. The result of the 1991 housing and population ... Read More

UACE S101 General Paper – High blood pressure, causes and effects

05/18/2024 0

Definition High blood pressure occurs when the force of blood pushing against the artery walls is consistently too high. It’s measured in millimeters of mercury ... Read More

UACE S101 General Paper – Beauty contest challenges, pros and cons

05/18/2024 0

Beauty contest is an assemblage of girls or women at which judges select the most beautiful called beauty pageant. Challenges of beauty contest of beauty contest ... Read More