Why may government deliberately plan for an unbalanced budget?

Why may government deliberately plan for an unbalanced budget?

Why may government deliberately plan for an unbalanced budget?

Reasons for deliberate surplus budget planning

  • To reduce aggregate demand by withdrawing excess amount of money from circulation
  • So that government uses surplus budget to improve on the balance of payment position for instance by promoting import substitution industries
  • To accumulate reserves for future investment/needs
  • To improve the confidence of the population in the government
  • To prepare for disasters
  • To improve cooperation with other countries through provision of aid.

Reasons for deliberate deficit budget planning

  • To reduce the burden of taxation from people
  • To increase the level of supply
  • To increase the level of aggregate demand in case of deflation
  • Encourage saving among the general public
  • Stimulate a level of economic growth
  • Making borrowing cheaper for projects
  • Lifting economy from slump or depression
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