UACE S101 General Paper section B: Logic Quiz 6
Study the following information carfully and answer the questions that follow (50marks)
The Media Council in the Republic of UMTARA embranced on an exercise of regularizing the operations of media houses. This involves the registration and licencing of all the existing media houses.
For any media house to be registered and licenced, the following conditions must be met.
The proprietor(s) should be citizen(s) or non-citizen(s) who have lived in the country for more than 5 years.
The technical staff to the media house must be trained in mass communication.
The media house should be ready to invest not less than US $ 20,000.
The proprietor(s) should be of unquestionable integrity and high moral standing
- The media house must be registered.
- The media council will not license any media house which publishes materials that is
- Prejudicial to national unity and security,
- Injurious to country’s reputation and foreigh relations,
- Tantamount to economic sabotage,
- Deemed to be vulgar and ponographic
The following media houses have applied for registration and licensing:
- Spotlight Media Agencies: This is owned by citizens and publishes weekly news reviews about national security, sometimes including sensitive issues. It employs professionals of integrity and has an investment value of US $ 20,000.
- Daily mirror Media House is owned by a citizen of high moral standing and it employs qualified staff. It publishes news and cartoons. It has an investment of US $ 15,000.
- Torch Television is Owned by a foreigner of high moral standing who has stayed in the country for 10 years. It employs professionals and telecast news on important issues like corruption, environment and unemployment. The television has an investment of US $35,000.
- Jupitor Radio and Television Station is owned by citizen of foreign descent whose integrity is questionable. The station is popular for its sports up-date and cartoons. It employs qualified technical staff and has an investment value of US $ 22,000.
- Crystal Television is the most popularly watched T.V channel which dedicates much of its time to beauty contests and nudity. It has an investment value of US $ 50,000. Its proprietor is a foreigner who has lived in the republic of UMTARA for the past 15 years. It employs staff who are well trained in mass communication.
(a) Giving reasons for your answer, identify the media houses that will not be
(i) Registered (04marks)
(ii) Licensed (08marks)
(b) Assumming the Media Council levies 7% of the investment value as registration fees and 5% of the investment value as licensing fees, calculate the amount of money in local currency that will be realised from
(i) Registration, (05marks)
(ii) Licensing (03marks)
The exchange rate is US $1 = UMTARA Shs 2750.
(c) Explain the importance of mass media in a country (10marks)
(d) How has ponography affected your society? (10marks)
SPGE (10marks)
Suggested answers
(a) Giving reasons for your answer, identify the media houses that will not be
(i) Registered (04marks)
Daily mirror Media House will be registered because it an investment less than US $ 20,000.
Jupitor Radio and Television Station will not be registered because the proprietor has questionable integrity.
(ii) Licensed (08marks)
Crystal Television will not be registered because it publishes ponographicmaterials
Daily mirror Media House will not be licensed becaused to fails on registration
Jupitor Radio and Television Station will notbe licensed because it fails on registration
Spotlight Media Agencies fails registration because it publishes sensitive issues on national security.
(b) Assumming the Media Council levies 75% of the registration value as registration fees and 5% of the investment value as licensing fees, calculate the amount of money in local currency that will be realised from
(i) Registration, (05marks)
US $
Registration fees of Spotlight Media Agencies = = 1,400
Registration fees of Torch Television = = 2,450
Registration fees of Torch Television = = 3,500
Total registration fees in US $ = 7,350
Total registation fees in UMTARA Shs. 7350 x 2750 = 20, 212,500
(ii) Licensing (03marks)
Note that only Jupitor Radio and Television station was licenced.
Licensing fees of Jupitor Radio and Television Station = = US $ = 1,100
Licensing fees of Jupitor Radio and Television station UMTARA shs.
= 1,100 x 2750
= 3, 025,000/=
The exchange rate is US $1 = UMTARA Shs 2750.
(c) Explain the importance of mass media in a country (10marks)
- Delivers information to the public of current on current affairs.
- Educates /instructive. Media educate us on important social issues such as public health and hygiene.
- Interpretation for instance Newspaper editorials usually offer explicit interpretations of current events
- Media outlets can bring people closer together, which serves the bonding function.
- Media divert us We all use the media to escape our day-to-day lives, to distract us from our upcoming exam, or to help us relax. When we are being distracted, amused, or relaxed, the media is performing the diversion function.
- Provide employment
- Advertise
- Promote human rights
- Provide market to new technologies.
- Promote speculations
- Mass communication gardets such as T.V and radios are expensive.
- Misiinformation about ctrical issues such as security and health may be dsastrous.
- May eat up working time
(d) How has ponography affected your society? (10marks)
- Has led to early sex
- Has lea to teanege pregnancy
- Has promoted vices like prostitution and homosexuality
- Has led to spread of diseases like HIV and STi
- Marriage brakdown due to lack of sexual sexual fulfillment .
- Abuse of sexual drugs
- Porn users have exhibited more dominating and harassing behavior toward women, have less compassion for rape victims, and have more violent attitudes toward women, even leading to actual violence against women
- Rectile dysfunction
- Ponography is addictive
- Has promoted human trafficking for sex business.
SPGE (10marks)
Please say something or send your additions/ comments/corrections/suggestions in the comment section. Note that digitaltechers.co.ug is an academic website that thrives on accuracy of information.
Thank you
Dr. Bbosa Science
UACE S101 General Paper section B: Logic Quiz 6 – Digital Teachers Uganda
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