Preparation of hides and skins

Preparation of hides and skins

  • Flaying is a method of slow removal of skin from an animal.
  • Washing: this is done in running water to remove dung, dirt and blood
  • Draining: the hides and skins are hanged over poles to remove water and some blood after washing
  • Fleshing: this involves the removal of fat and meat from the hide using a knife or scrapper
  • Drying
  • Trimming: here, odd flaps at the edge of the hide / skin are removal with an aim of making a regular in shape.
  • Curing Preserving: this can be done by wet/dry salting or hanging them in frames using ropes to dry.
  • Tanning: this is the process of soaking hides and skins in chemicals such as tannic acid to soften and turn them into leather.

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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