Farm documents
- Documents on daily activities
- Order forms, invoices and Receipts
- Cash book and payment receipt record book
- Inventory record which shows a list of items present on a farm at a particular time
- Yield and production record in which the various outputs of the farm are recorded
- Employment /workers’ record including general records, pay and hours worked, leave, superannuation and tax
- Safety reporting procedures – any incidents and injuries, including near misses. This will help you determine actions to improve and prevent reoccurrences.
- Hazardous chemicals on site and an asbestos register if there is any at your workplace.
- Registration documents for machinery.
- Testing, maintenance and inspection details for specific types of equipment.
- Hazard identification, risk assessment and control processes you have in place at your workplace. This is particularly useful in showing you are actively keeping your workplace safe by being proactive.
- Training and induction records for workers and contractors
Good day
Dr. Bbosa Science
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science