9 Demerits (negative implications)   of Technology transfer

9 Demerits (negative implications)   of Technology transfer


  1. It leads to technological unemployment.  This is because   it usually   tends to be capital   intensive yet developing      countries     are    labour     abundant.     The    machines     replace     labour     hence unemployment.
  2. It leads to emergence of private foreign   monopolies.   Dependence on technology transfer through   multi-national    corporations    can easily lead to creation   of monopoly   tendencies.    This increases   consumer   exploitation   as private   foreign monopolies    restrict   output   and charge   high prices with the aim of maximizing   profits.
  3. It leads to rural -urban   migration.  Transfer   of technology    is usually   concentrated    in urban areas.  This  attracts  people  from rural  areas  due  to better  services  resulting   from  the use  of better technology  hence  rural  urban  migration  and its negative  consequences.
  4. It discourages local initiatives and the, development of appropriate technology.  This is because the local investors   tend to lose the creativity   and copy the expensive   foreign technology.    This undermines   the development   of the local small scale industries with limited capital.
  5. It promotes income inequalities in the economy. Dependence   on imported   technology   provides employment   to only a few urban skilled individuals   there by leading   to income, inequality,   For example computer experts.
  6.    It leads to unfavorable balance of payments in the economy.  Technology   transfer   consumes the scarce foreign exchange   and it leads to continuous   importation   of spare parts from developed countries.    This                 forces   developing    countries    to borrow    externally    hence   increasing     foreign exchange outflow in form debt repayment.
  7. It leads to profit repatriation.  Technology    transfer   by   foreign   investors    encourages     profit repatriation   as foreign investors   take back the profits made to their home countries   instead   of re- investing   them in the countries   where they operate.  This leads to low capital accumulation    in the economy.
  8. It leads to over dependence of the economy on developed countries. This is in form of continued Importation    of spare parts   and expatriates    from developed    countries.   This   increases    foreign dominance   and  control  of  the  economy   in  terms  of  resources   and  economic   decisions   through direct  economic  dependence.
  9. It leads to over exploitation of resources.  This is because   private   foreign   investors   may take advantage    of the   imported    efficient    technology    to exploit    the   resources    with   the    aim   of maximizing    profits.   This   in  the   long   run  leads   to  negative    externalities    like   environmental degradation   and depletion  of natural  resources  hence failure  of the economy   to be self-sustaining  in the long-run.
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