Poultry vices; causes and prevention

Most common reasons for development of vices in poultry are,

  • Overcrowding in the poultry house
  • Protein deficiency in the diet
  • Provision of less diet
  • Excess of corn/maize in the diet
  • Deficiency of arginine and methionine in diet
  • Deficiency of salt and minerals
  • Hemorrhages in the external genitalia due to laying stress and,
  • Genetic predisposition
  1. Cannibalism

Cannibalism is one of the most common vices observed in poultry, where birds of a flock attack their pen mate and peck and eat its flesh (mainly comb, vent etc), causing deep wounds, loss of production and sometimesheavy mortality.Vent pecking is common in laying birds. Once the birds adopt this vice it spreads rapidly through the flock and then the control becomes impossible as there is no direct treatment. Presence of wounds, inflammation or blood especially around the cloacal orifices are the confirmatory indicators of cannibalism.The most common causes responsible for cannibalism areovercrowding in the house, nutrient deficient diet, especially proteins, essential minerals etc.


Preventive measures

  • Debeakingthe birds at right age and in a proper way is essential to prevent cannibalism. For that one-third of the upper beak and tip of the lower beak is to be cut. Thereafter, monitor the birds for couple of days for any eating disorders or infections

Figure 1. Debeaking of birds (Open source internet)

  • Overcrowding of the birds must be immediately corrected and birds involved in cannibalism be isolated
  • Wounded birds should also be segregated and given proper treatment
  • Environment should be peaceful in case of layers because the disturbances during laying crates congested external genitalia in layers which attracts other birds for cannibalism
  • Feed must be available in sufficient quantity at all the times.
  • Increase the fish meal content of diet or addition of fresh raw meat in limited amounts
  • Mineral mixture, vitamin and salt must be increased marginally in poultry ration
  • Increased amount of methionine in the diet is said to prevent this habit in layers
  • Provision of red bulbs near laying nests may help during the period of the problem
  1. Egg eating

Occasionally, birds develop the tendency to eat their own eggs,which might start due to the presence of cracked eggs or accidental breaking of eggs. Its one of the most common poultry vices and once the birds develop taste for it they start breaking their own eggs.Lack of sufficient bedding material in the laying area,thin or soft egg shell may predispose such eggs to crack and break easily, attracting the birds. Presence of eggs for longer period in the pens may also encourage the birds to start egg pecking and eating.


Preventive measures

  • Isolation of the birds from eggs (layed eggs should be far from birds)
  • Egg collection interval should be reduced
  • Debeaking also reduces this tendency
  • Darkness in the laying area may prevent his habit
  • Quantity of lime stone and protein should be increased in the diet

Figure 2. Egg eating by birds(Open source internet)

  1. Egg hiding

This habit may develop in the domestic fowl which are allowed with ample space and freedom for movement.They hide the eggs in the field, bushes etc. this is not seen in intensive system as there is limited freedom of movement and space.

Preventive measures

  • Restrict freedom of movement of laying birds
  • Laying area should be built inside poultry house and made comfortable by providing sawdust, straw etc.
  1. Pica

Sometimes, birds start eating materials which are not fit for consumption, such as feathers, litter material, threads, etc. It is less commonly found in modern poultry farm. Phosphorus deficiency, parasitic infestation, new litter material etc. may predispose the birds to pica.

Preventive measures

  • Good managemental care and balanced diet are recommended for the prevention of pica.


Birds which develop abnormal behavior should be timely taken care off. Regular debeaking of birds is an essential managemental practice. Provide adequate nutrient supplementation. Treatment of injuries should be done gently.With these some common interventions the arising economic loss can be curtailed significantly at poultry farm and the enterprise can be made more sustainable and profitable for the farmers

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