Explain why the public sector in your country has failed to achieve its objects/challenges faced when providing public goods
- Limited capital to service vital services such as education and health.
- Poor infrastructure such as roods hinder prompt delivery of goods and services
- Slow decision making due to bureaucracy
- Political instability take up resources that would be used for other development services
- Subsidies from the government make them sluggish
- Poor work culture and attitude among workers in public sector lead to low productivity
- Public lack enterprise due to monopoly or lack of competition.
- Inadequate staffing
- Poor supervision and unskilled administration/poor management skills
- Stiff competition from private firms may cause public firms to collapse
- Influence of interest or pressure groups who are able to manipulate politician for their selfish interest may interfere public sector goals
- Political interference: When politicians and civil servants seek to pursuit self-interest, it can lead to incorrect allocation of resources
- Poor motivation due to low and inequitable remuneration discourage workers from performing their roles
- Weak State of Records Management in public sector hinders follow-ups and regular improvements
- Poor working environment hinders service delivery.
- High wastage rates due to inefficiency
- Under Utilization of Capacity: Public enterprise is facing the problems of underutilizationof its installed capacity.
- Time and Cost Over-Runs: Most of the public sector projects take the long ester time to complete than was initially envisaged. The cost of the projects also runs upwards due to delay in completion of projects.
- Problems of Audit and Inspection: Although there is a system of audit and inspection in such enterprises, it is not followed in practice
- Poor technology
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science