Account for poor performance of agricultural sector in your country

Account for poor performance of agricultural sector in your country

  • Unfavorable climatic factors. The unpredictable climate; draught and floods in Uganda lead to low output in agriculture
  • Pest and disease to plants and animals lead to low output.
  • Poor soils leading to low yield
  • Insufficient access to extension services remains a key barrier to farmers’ uptake and use of productivity-enhancing technologies.
  • Poor land tenure system prevent potential farmer without land not the produce. Secondary land fragmentations prevent commercial agricultural investments.
  • A big proportional of agriculture is subsistence mainly for women and children
  • Poor attitude towards agriculture. Many Ugandans have low opinion about agricultural investment.
  • Inadequate markets for agricultural output.
  • Inadequate capital to invest in agriculture
  • Political instability discourages farmers.
  • Poor infrastructure such as road enable faster transport of agriculture output to the markets
  • Limited research in agriculture and failure to product high yield breeds of plants and animals.
  • Relying on a few traditional cash crops such as coffee, tobacco, cotton, tea.
  • Price fluctuations discourage farmers
  • Few agro-based industries to process and add value to agricultural outputs before they are exported.
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