Features (characteristics) of subsistence production

  1. There is high degree of dependency on family labour in the production  activities;
  2. There is use of simple   (rudimentary) tools for example pangas, hand hoes etc.  in the production process
  3. There is low labour productivity because of using poor production   techniques.
  4. There is lack of specialization in production.
  5. Barter trade is the predominant system of exchange.  That   is exchange   of commodities for commodities
  6. There is limited use of scientific production methods. For example,   there is no application of fertilizers,   mulching, etc.
  7. There is absence of profit motive. Individuals  simply produce for basic survival.
  8. There is a high degree of conservatism. Production   is greatly influenced   by social attitudes and cultural beliefs.
  9. Land is the basic factor of production characterized  by diminishing   returns.
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