Disadvantages (demerits) of balanced growth strategy

Disadvantages (demerits) of balanced growth strategy

  1. It leads to over exploitation and quick depletion of nonrenewable resources. Such resources include minerals like copper, coal, etc. This lead to lack of long term sustainability.
  2. It leads to over production and hence wastage of resources. This is due to limited   markets existing in developing   countries.
  3. It discourages rapid growth and expansion of the various sectors. This is because,  the strategy discourages    specialization    and resources    are scattered   in a number   of sectors   hence   limited economies   of large scale.
  4. The strategy requires huge capital investment in all economic activities which is in short supply in developing  countries.  This leads to the increases   indebtedness   as developing   countries   forced to borrow in order to raise money to invest in the various activities.
  5. It leads to balance of payment problems in the country. The strategy  is expensive   and  costly  to implement   in terms  of increased  importation   of expensive   factor  inputs  in form  of raw materials, intermediate   goods  and expatriates.   This  leads  to increased  expenditure   on imports  relative  to the revenue  from  exports  hence  balance  of payment  problems.
  6. It increases economic  dependence of the country.  This is due to increased   reliance   on foreign capital   and   other   imported    raw   materials    from   developed    countries.    This   undermines     the country’s   need to be self-reliant and independent.
  7. It encourages profit repatriation. This is true in case most of the investments   under the strategy are   carried    out   by   foreign    investors.    This   promotes    capital    flight   hence    limited   capital accumulation   in the economy.
  8. It leads to technological unemployment. The strategy   encourages   the use of capital   intensive techniques     of   production     which    in    the    long    run    replace     labour    hence     technological unemployment.    This is true especially   with foreign investors who prefer to use capital intensive techniques   of production.
  9. Environmental degradation. The balanced   growth strategy   leads to environmental    degradation in due to excessive utilization   of natural resources.
  10. It is not suitable  in the  country  where  there  are political  instabilities  ill some parts  of  the country.  This is because   it requires   simultaneous    development   of all sectors   and regions of the country.
  11. It leads to heavy losses in case of project failure in some sectors. This is because a lot of capital investment   is required by the strategy.
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