UACE S101/1 general paper: role of sports in public and private life or society

UACE S101/1 general paper: role of sports in public and private life or society


Sports is a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment/leisure and/or as a job. Common sports are football, netball, wrestling and so on. Sports are both indoor and outdoor.

Positive roles

  1. Sources of income to both the individuals and the nation. Athletics have won our nationals income e.g. Kiprotic.
  2. Foreign currency is also got by the state where nationals compete in international or world competitions such as boxing.
  3. International recognition occurs for whose teams and individuals who win medals especially in Uganda. Athletes, Netball has won Uganda international recognition.
  4. Sports is good for health living, proper body functioning on a body that is physically fit.
  5. Developing the talent. One is able to discover and develop his talent out of sports. There are so many individuals who are talented sports men and women namely Susan Namuwonge, Blick etc.
  6. Alternative form of spending leisure, stressed individuals need to fight it by relaxing in sports activities instead of committing crimes/ reduction of crime
  7. Sports are investments where big business people go in inject money in it. The investors that have constructed sports stadia are earning big for examples of owners.
  8. Promotes socialization for spectators and players
  9. Promotes unity/ reducing tribalism/and other social differences such as religious differences
  10. Promotes nationalism/ tendencies
  11. Source of revenue to the government and traders that sell sports gargets and uniforms
  12. Diversities economy.
  13. Promotes trade through  adverts, sale of sports uniforms  and other sports items for example Kabaka birth day runs earns the Kiganda Kingdom through sale of T-shirts.
  14. Promotes discipline, tolerance and perseverance.
  15. Promotes international relations through international competitions and trade
  16. Supporting charitable activities
  17. Infrastructural development such as building sports field.

Negative impacts

  1. Sports may promote drug abuse especially when participant are aiming at winning.
  2. Sports lead to fetal accidents for example football and car racing.
  3. Sports may promote hooliganism among players who fail to come to term with losses.
  4. Sports may spark violence in case of unfair judgment
  5. There is corruption in sports ministries leading loss of finance
  6. Sports lead loss of money through sports betting.
  7. Sports may time consuming leading to a decline in academic performance for many students
  8. Sports may lead to exploitation of children who are forced into commercial sports.

Mark allocation.

SP up to 05 marks

GE up to 10 marks

Definition up to 05 marks

Any 5 positive contributions (each 3 marks) = 15 marks

Any 5 negative contributions (each 3marks) = 15 marks

50 marks

Please say something or send your additions/ comments/corrections/suggestions  in the comment section. Note that is an academic website who thrives on accuracy of information.

Thank you

Dr. Bbosa Science

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    Wafula Isaiah 4 months

    What if I just give positive roles of games and sports with 12pts, how can I be awarded the marks?

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