Challenges faced in utilizing of water resources in the community

Challenges faced in utilizing of water resources in the community

  • Contaminated portable water
  • Rapids and falls hinder river navigation
  • Water weeds hinder navigation
  • Shallowness of water bodies hinder use of big ship
  • Hard water wastes soap
  • Water pollution with industrial and domestic wastes
  • High cost expenses for water storage containers to harvest water resources.
  • The dense swamp vegetation along the course of major Lakes like L. Victoria limits accessibility to the water bodies as well as development of landing sites. For example Lutembe, Gaba and Munyonyo swamps in Kampala limit access to Lake victoria.
  • Presence of strong winds over the lakes e.g. L. Victoria lead to stong waves that may cause accidents
  • Existence of outcrop rocks and stumps in Lake Victoria for example around Kalangala, Buvuma Islands and at Kasenyi  cause accidents.
  • Presence of large number of wild animals like Hippos and crocodiles on Kazing Channel are a threat to human life
  • Water scarcity


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Dr. Bbosa Science

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