The categories of enzymes
The categories of enzymes are
- Oxidoreductase; are involved in biological oxidation and reduction reaction. They include dehydrogenase which catalyze removal of hydrogen atoms from a substrate and oxidase which formation of water e.g., in respiration.
- Hydrolase; catalyze the addition of water to or the removal from a substrate.eg protease.
- Transferase; These catalyze transfer of chemical groups or atoms from one substrate to another. Those that transfer amino groups [NH2] are called transaminase.
- Lyase; break chemical bonds other than hydrolysis this creating double bond. They include carboxylase which remove carboxyl group [ COOH] from intermediates in respiratory pathways.
- Isomerase; These enzymes catalyze the transfer of an atom from one part of a molecule to another.
- Ligase or synthetase; catalyze joining together of two molecules coupled with the breakdown of ATP e.g., phosphokinase which catalyze the addition of phosphate group to a compound.
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Dr. Bbosa Science
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