Account for existence of decentralized planning in developing country or give advantages of decentralized planning

Account for existence of decentralized planning in developing country or give advantages of decentralized planning

Reasons for/advantages of decentralized planning in developing country

  • It involves local people in formulation and implementation of plans which is a key to developing economy.
  • It takes into account the local environment unlike centralized planning
  • It reduces interference of the central government in development plans
  • It allow equitable distribution of employment opportunities
  • There a close link between planners and implementer of the plans leading to better supervision and control
  • There is limited bureaucracy
  • It relieves the central government of some obligations.
  • It encourages regions (districts) to utilize local resources especially manpower
  • Encourage people’s participation in development plans and efficient communication
  • It reduces rural-urban migration because it creates employment opportunities in rural areas
  • It allows regions to cater for its interests leading satisfaction of regional needs.
  • Promotes division of labour between central and local governments
  • Leads to skill development at local level.
  • Motivates local government to implement their plans
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