Adaptations of insect pollinated flowers and wind pollinated flowers

Adaptations of insect pollinated flowers and wind pollinated flowers

Note that there is a difference between characteristics and adaptations of flowers

Adaptations of Insects pollinated flowers

  • brightly colored petals to attract pollinators
  • scented to attract pollinators
  • Have nectar to attract pollinators
  • Flowers have nectar to attract pollinators
  • Have sticky stigmas to pick pollen from pollinators
  • Flower have sticky pollen grains to stick on pollinators and the stigma

Adaptations of wind pollinated flowers

  1. Large production of pollen grains to to increase chance of pollination.
  2. Feathery and sticky stigma to increase chance of receiving pollen
  3. Produce light pollen grains that can be transported by wind.
  4. Anthers is well exposed e.g. maize flower to scatter pollen
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