Advantages and disadvantages of bucket feeding

Advantages and disadvantages of bucket feeding

Advantages of bucket feeding

  1. It is easy to keep feeding records that can be referred to in any case since the amount of milk taken is known
  2. Calves can be easily rationed according to their body needs
  3. The farmer can introduce milk substitutes easily and therefore save milk for market.
  4. The method permits early weaning which can save milk
  5. The dam will give milk even when the calf dies
  6. It encourages better management of the herd since the lactating cows are fed according to their production.


  1. The mortality rate in this system is high since in most cases calves are given less or dirty milk.
  2. Calves are more prone to diseases due to unhygienic conditions associated with feeding the calves
  3. The method requires more labour and attention which are expensive to the farmer.
  4. In case of an infectious disease, the farmer may lose a good number of calves

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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