Advantages and disadvantages of value added tax (VAT)
Advantages (Merits) of VAT
- It is difficult to evade and avoid by the tax payer.
- It increases government revenue. This is because it has a wider coverage.
- It reduces corruption since payment is through the bank.
- It is economical in terms of administration and collection
- It promotes efficiency in business management .This is because it encourages proper book keeping
- It helps to distribute the tax burden since it is paid at different stages during the production process.
- It helps to avoid double taxation since the taxed commodities have VAT receipts at each stage.
- It minimizes discrimination in taxation basing on income levels of the tax payers.
- It increases employment opportunities since business units employ accountants for book keeping while the URA (Uganda Revenue authority) employs personnel in tax administration.
Disadvantages (Demerits) of VAT
- It is difficult to assess because most traders do not keep proper
- It violates the principle of This is because it is the poor and the rich are subjected to the same tax.
- It discourages This is because it increases the costs of production.
- It leads to inflation. This because producers increase prices in response to A.T.
- High rates of VAT may cause unemployment as it discourages production and
- It is costly in terms of administration and tax education in form of administration and tax education in form of seminars, Radio programs
- High rate of VAT scares away investors and this leads to capital out
- It reduces the economic welfare of people as it reduces their real income in terms of the number of commodities purchased
- A.T has loop holes during tax administration. Tax payers try to under value their commodities as a way of paying less tax.
- It is used by political opportunists to sabotage the This leads to political unrest and instabilities.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science
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