Advantages (Benefits/Arguments) for Perfect competition   Market structure

Advantages (Benefits/Arguments) for Perfect competition   Market structure

  1. It increases the level of output. This is because   of a large   number    of firms   involved    in production   due to freedom of entry of firms in the industry.  This leads to a reduction   in prices in the long run.
  2. Efficiency in resource allocation. Since  there  is  a  number   of  firms  producing    for  a  limited market,   competition    forces  them  to  be  very  efficient   in  order  to out  compete   other   firms  and remain  in the production   process,  hence  the provision  of better  quality  goods  and services.
  3. No wastage of resources,   Since   the  market   structure   assumes   perfect   knowledge    about   the market  conditions   e.g. knowledge   about  market  prices,  the type and quality  of commodities    sold etc. there  is no wastage  of resources  through  advertisement   by the sellers.
  4. High standards of living for the consumers. In the long run high standards of living  are  enjoyed by  consumers   because   of  increased   production    of  high  quality   goods  and  services   which   are bought  at low prices.
  5. It provides an efficient standard measure for comparison of prices in other markets.
  6. It promotes equitable distribution of income. This is due to freedom of entry of firms in the production   process
  7. Optimal utilization of resources in the long run. Resources are fully utilized   and efficiently allocated.  This  is because  the inefficient   firms  are pushed  out of production   whereas   the  efficient firms keep  on operating  using  the available  scarce  resources  in the most  optimal  way.
  8. It ensures fair and stable prices. Prices under perfect competition tend to be stable because all firms   charge   uniform   price.   This promotes    economic    stability   hence   economic    growth   and development.
  9. Creation of employment opportunities.   Because    of   competition     among   so   many    firms, investments   are promoted   in the economy which increases employment   opportunities.
  10. Absence of consumer exploitation. This is  because   all  firms  charge  the  same  price   and  no single  firm has  the ability  to restrict  output  and charge  a high  price  so as to exploit  consumers   as the case is for monopoly.
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