Advantages (merits) free market economy

Advantages (merits) free market economy

  • It provides a society with the right goods or services at the right time due to competition
  • A market economy promotes entrepreneurship; because the emphasis within a market economy is on innovation, it creates an environment where entrepreneurship can thrive.
  • It reduces the need to store products; because the laws of supply and demand are enforced in a market economy, manufacturers produce goods based on the demands that the society requires.
  • Market economies tend to provide more jobs; because it allows very many small firms to thrive thereby creating employment.
  • It increases efficiency in resource allocation. The major aim of private firms   is profit maximization
  • It encourages competition in production. This leads to the production of high quality   goods and services at reduced prices hence better standard of living.
  • It leads to the production of a wide range of commodities. This widens the choice of consumers hence better standards of living through utility maximization.
  • It reduces government expenditure in form of administrative costs. This is because it does not require government   officials to monitor the economic activities.
  • It encourages technological progress. This is achieved through inventions and innovations   due to competition among private individuals, this leads to the production of better quality goods and service.
  • It promotes consumer sovereignty in the economy. Consumers have a wide variety of products to choose from.
  • There is no resource wastage during the production process. Products and services are produced based on customer demands and what they are willing to pay.
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