Advantages/Merits of price mechanism

Advantages/Merits of price mechanism

  • Increases variety of goods and service
  • Encourages hard work
  • It increases efficiency in resource allocation. Under price mechanism, the major aim of producers is profit maximization. This minimizes resource wastage.
  • Price mechanism encourages competition in production. This leads to the production of better quality goods and services hence improved standards of living for consumers.
  • The system facilitates the exploitation and utilization   of resources in the economy.   This increases the production of goods and services hence economic growth and development.
  • 4. It leads to the creation of more employment opportunities. The  high  profits  made  by producers are used  to expand  business  activities  hence  creating  more  employment
  • It promotes consumer sovereignty. Consumer   sovereignty   refers to the situation under the free enterprise   economy where the consumer has the freedom to determine   what to be produced   in the economy   by  buying  more  of  a particular   commodity   (casting a vote). Producers   allocate   more resources   in the production   of a commodity   which is highly bought in the market.
  • It promotes research, inventions and innovations due to the high profits got by producers. This leads to improvement   in the techniques of production.
  • Price mechanism encourages speculation.   Speculation   refers  to  the  buying  of  commodities    in periods  when  they are in plenty  and “cheap and selling them in periods when  they  are  scarce  and at high prices.   This leads to price stability.
  • It facilitates arbitrage.  Arbitrage   refers to me geographical transportation of commodities from areas   where   they are at low prices   to areas where   they   are   at high prices.   This helps   in redistribution   of resources.
  • Price mechanism does not require much administrative     machinery since it is automatic.   This lowers the cost of administration   of the economy by the government.
  • It encourages flexibility in production as producers can easily adjust the production activities due to changes in price.
  • It facilitates income distribution. This is because incomes go to those people who  own resources and are able to buy goods  and services.
  • It encourages the development of entrepreneurial skills in the economy. This is because   it promotes individual initiatives and creativity in the economy.
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