Advantages/merits of protectionism in an economy

Advantages/merits of protectionism in an economy

  • It protects domestic/infant industries; trade restrictive policies like quotas, import duties, etc. reduce on demand of imported products thereby reducing competition form the local products.
  • Discourages dumping and foreign subsidies into the countries’ economy
  • Improve balance of payment position by reducing the value of imports and increasing the value of exports
  • It improve self-sustenance since it encourages consumption of local products
  • It is a source of revenue to the government from import duties.
  • Creation of employment opportunities from local firms
  • Prevents importation of undesirable goods like tobacco and expired drugs
  • It controls import inflatione. duties limits demand for imported expensive products.
  • It encourages use of local natural resources
  • It improves on the country’s terms of trade by encouraging exports over imports.
  • National security. If a product is used in the manufacturing of military goods or other security sensitive products, it may not be wise to import it from another country.
  • Higher GDP: Protectionist policies tend to boost the economy’s GDP due to a rise in domestic production
  • Protects intellectual property; to encourage research and development.
  • Source of government revenue:Tariffs form a good source of revenue for governments
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