Advantages (merits) of specialization and division of labour

Advantages (merits) of specialization and division of labour

  1. It increases the efficiency of labour. This is as a result of performing  the same task over time.
  2. It is time saving. This is because there is no need of moving from one job to another.
  3. It helps to improve on the quality of the product. Workers   become   perfect   in carrying   out particular   tasks.
  4. It helps to speed up the training process.    This is because   a worker   is trained   to carry out a particular   task in the production   process.
  5. It enables workers to exploit their natural talents by concentrating on particular   tasks which they can do better:
  6. International specialization promotes international trade.  This is because   different   countries utilize their resources   to produce   a commodity   in which they can do best and exchange   it with other countries.
  7. It increases the level of output. This is because   specialization   increases   the  scale  of production and reduces  the production   costs  as a result  of economies  of scale.
  8. Specialization increases economic interdependence between countries. This  is because  different countries   can  be  able  to get what  they  do  not  have  from  other  countries   through   the  process   of exchange.
  9. Specialization promotes technological development through innovations    and inventions    as a result of continuous   use of machines.    This leads to efficiency in production.


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