Advantages   (Merits/Positive   implications)   of Monopoly

Advantages   (Merits/Positive   implications)   of Monopoly

  1. There is a possibility of price discrimination where by similar units of a commodity are sold at different prices to different consumers.   This enables   the low income   earners to consume   high quality products at lower prices.
  2. Ability to carry out research. A monopolist earns abnormal profits both in the short run and long run  and  therefore,   it  is  possible   to  carryout   research   so  as  to  improve   on  the  quality   of  the products.
  3. Economies of scale are enjoyed by the firm under monopoly. A monopolist   has  the  ability   to expand  the firm  using  abnormal  profits  earned  thereby  enjoying  economies  of large   scale.
  4. There is no resource wastage through advertisement. A monopolist   does not need to carryout persuasive   advertisement   because the commodity   sold has no close substitute.
  5. In case of government  monopolies, public  utilities   like  roads,  hospitals,   power  supply   etc.  can easily be controlled   and provided  to the public  fair prices  (lower  costs).
  6. Improvement in the welfare of the employees. This is because a monopolist is in position   to earn abnormal profits which it can use to improve on the welfare of its workers.
  7. Growth of infant industries. The infant industries   can be able to grow when they are protected by   the   government     from   external    foreign    competition.     In this   case,   the   infant   industries monopolize    the   local   market   and   therefore    they   are   in position    to   get   more   profits    for development   purposes.
  8. There is no duplication of services and goods. For example, if there is a firm producing   a certain commodity   in an area,  there  is no need  of setting  up another  firm in the same  area as this  leads  to resource  misallocation   through  duplication.
  9. Source of government revenue. Abnormal profits   made by the monopolist   can be taxed by the Government   and tax revenue is used to provide social infrastructure   like roads, hospitals   etc.
  10. A monopolist is able to use better techniques of production and employ high quality manpower. This is because he has enough money to acquire such technology and man power. This leads to the production   of better quality products.
  11. Creates job opportunities.
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