Advantages   of joint – stock companies

Advantages   of joint – stock companies

  1. It is easy to raise enough capital from    the sale of shares.    This increases the scale of operation of the business hence economic of scale.
  2. Shareholders have a limited liability. That is, in case the business  collapses the shareholders only lose their share capital to recover the business debts.
  3. There is continued existence   of the company   even if a shareholder   dies or becomes insane.
  4. It is easy to access loans from financial institutions. This is because such companies   are highly trusted by the financial institutions   and they have enough collateral   security
  5. In case of losses and other business risks, they are shared among   the many shareholders.    This minimizes   the burden of the loss per share holder.
  6. Shareholders are free to sell their shares to the public for the case of public limited companies,
  7. The joint stock companies   help individuals   with limited entrepreneurial abilities to participate   in business as shareholders.   This promotes   economic activities in the economy.
  8. Joint stock companies   are capable   of employing    necessary    expatriates    in various   fields.  This increases efficiency in business operations.
  9. Joint stock companies   are capable   of offering   employment    opportunities    to many   individuals. This is due to their large scale operation.   This improves on the standards of living of individuals.

10. Joint stock companies generate   a lot of tax revenue to the government in form of corporate   and profit taxes.  Such tax revenue can be used to construct both social and economic infrastructure.

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