Advantages of rearing pigs
- Pigs require a small area since they can be confined under the intensive system of management and do not require a large area of grazing as ruminants do.
- Little initial capital is required as compared to dairying and fish farming.
- They consume most of the food remains reducing wastage of feeds on the farm and lowering feed costs.
- Pigs grow very fast which enables the farmer to get income in a short time when sold.
5 It is adapted to specialized and diversified farming system
- They produce high quality manure which can be used in the gardens.
- Pig rearing creates extra employment for the family and the population especially in places with established pig industries.
- Pigs produce hard fat that can be used in the manufacture of soap.
- Pork is easily marketable
- Pigs are highly prolific which increases profits faster
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Dr. Bbosa Science
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