Advantages of time rate wage system

Advantages of time rate wage system

  1. It is easy to understand and calculate by both parties that is the employer and the employees for example 200,000/= per month.
  2. It can be applied where  output  cannot  be  easily  measured  quantitatively   for  example  the services of a doctor,  teacher
  3. A worker is assured of a regular and defined payment even in case of absence from duty. This enables the worker to plan effectively.
  4. It leads to high quality work. This is because employees are motivated by the regular payment.
  5. It reduces income inequalities among workers in the same firm. This is because all the workers are paid a uniform wage basing on the number of hours worked not the amount of work done.
  6. It is suitable for organizations where team work is emphasized as opposed to individual effort.
  7. employers and employees can easily agree on working condition


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