Aims (objectives) of Structural adjustment programs (saps)
- To stimulate economic growth (GNP)
- To expand the private sector so as to improve efficiency in production of goods and services.
- To increase employment opportunities in the economy.
- To reduce on public (government) expenditure.
- To promote the development of vital social and economic infrastructure.
- To promote domestic savings by strengthening financial institutions in the economy.
- To improve on resource utilization and allocation for sustainable development.
- To reduce poverty and improve on welfare especially for the vulnerable groups like the children, women, and the handicapped.
- To reduce on foreign economic dependence by the economy;
- To improve agricultural productivity through agricultural modernization.
- To reduce on the large subsistence sector so as to promote trade in the economy
- To promote technological progress in the economy through inventions and innovations.
- To increase government revenue by expanding the tax base.
- To Improve on balance of payment position of the country
- 10 ensure equitable distribution of income.
- To control inflation so as to stabilize the Ugandan shillings and restore confidence in it as a store of wealth and a reliable medium of exchange.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science