Balanced growth strategy/theory

Balanced growth strategy/theory


  • A balanced development strategy  involves  the  simultaneous   allocation   of resources   in all sectors  of the  economy   so that all sectors  grow  at the  same  pace  and complement   each  other  in terms  of market   and  supply of  raw  materials.    It calls   for a balance   between   consumer    and capital   goods,   industry    and agriculture, production   for domestic markets and for exports etc.
  • According to the theory, there must be critical minimum effort. This refers to a certain  minimum level  of investment   capital  required   to ensure  simultaneous   and  harmonious   development    of all sectors  and sub-sectors   of the economy  after which  they become  independent   and self-sustained.
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    Harriet Agabo 2 months

    Wonderful source of information