Battery / cage system poultry farming

Battery / cage system poultry farming

This is an intensive system of poultry production were birds are kept in individual cages indoor of about 0.14m2.

Feeders and drinkers are arranged at one side.

The wire making up the floor is slated to allow eggs roll to one side for easy collection.

Food and water may be mechanically provided or using computerized system.

The floor beneath the cages is made of concrete slanting at one side for easy drainage and cleaning

Advantages of cage system

  • Reduce chances of vices like cannibalism since birds are confined in individual cages.
  • Feed and water contamination with droppings is reduced since water and feed troughs are locate higher at one end.
  • Clean eggs can be easily produced.
  • It is easy to keep individual feeding and egg production records.
  • Disease spread easily controlled since birds are confined.
  • Bullying amongst birds is easily controlled since birds are under confinement.
  • It requires less Labor for management of large flocks.
  • A large number of birds can be kept on a small piece of land
  • Bird production is high since they spend less energy in movement.
  • Culling out of birds is to carry out since they are in close observation


  • It requires a high initial capital for installing cages and other equipment.
  • Birds lack exercise which may affect their health
  • It may require skilled Labor to run the system
  • There is a danger of concentrating parasites in the poultry unit
  • Birds may not get vitamins like D from the environment

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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