Care for a pregnant cow
- Provide clean water to the animal without any restriction
- Carry out pregnancy diagnosis two month after service to confirm pregnancy
- Dry off the animal at the 7th month of pregnancy to prepare it for the next lactation
- After drying carry out dry cow therapy to control mastitis
- Regularly deworm the animal to control internal parasites that may affect the unborn calf
- Provide adequate feeds throughout the period to cater for high nutrient demands
- Steam up in the last 2 month of pregnancy to prepare the animal for lactation
- Regularly control external parasites by spraying at least twice a week
- Vaccinate the animal against killer diseases so as to protect the unborn calf
- Isolate the animal in the last 2 month from the general herd in put it in a nurse paddock
- Provide a clean dry calving pen for the cow
- During calving, assist the animal with difficulties
- Milk the animal a little to reduce the udder pressure
- If the after birth is retained, call in a vet for help
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