Category: Economics


03/19/2023 0

An arête is a narrow step sided rocky ridge separating two cirques. It results from the glacial erosional process of plucking and abrasion which lead ... Read More

Contributions of multinational corporations to economic development in Uganda   

03/15/2023 1

Filling the savings/investment gap. Filling the manpower gap Filling the technological gap/promoting technological transfer Filling the foreign exchange gap Increase government revenue through taxation. Create ... Read More

Multi-national/multinational corporation

03/15/2023 0

Multi-national corporation is an enterprise/firm with/which has headquarter in one country but with branches/subsidiaries in many countries. Read More

Factors that influence production costs in Uganda.   

03/15/2023 0

The quantity of output produced/ the scale of production. The wage rate and the number of workers employed. The cost of raw material input/ the ... Read More

Features of good economic development plan.

03/15/2023 0

A good plan should be compatible. It should have a good sequence/should be sequenced. It should have clear objectives to all people involved in plan ... Read More

Disadvantages/demerits of indirect taxes

03/15/2023 0

They are regressive in nature i.e. the rich and the poor pay the same price for commodities / widen income inequality. They tend to be ... Read More

Why do developing countries rely more on indirect taxes as a source of revenue? 

03/15/2023 0

They are relatively easy and cheap to collect / economical. They are difficult to evade because people do not have alternative but to pay them ... Read More

Factors that influence the effective operation of monetary policy in developing countries. 

03/15/2023 0

Nature of distribution of commercial banks. Level of accountability in the banking sector. Level of coordination of goverm11ent objectives. Level of liquidity preference among the ... Read More

Profit determination in monopolistic competition

03/15/2023 0

Short run equilibrium position of a firm under monopolistic competition The monopolistically    competitive   firm earns super normal profits (abnormal   profits) in the short run. Equilibrium       ... Read More

Characteristics of a monopolistic competitive market 

03/15/2023 0

  Existence of many firms. There are many sellers and buyers involved   in the exchange of closely related products. There is use of persuasive advertisement. ... Read More

The marginal productivity theory of wages

03/15/2023 0

The marginal productivity theory of wages states that labour should be paid a wage that is equal to the value of its marginal revenue product. ... Read More

Advantages of informal sector in an economy. 

03/15/2023 0

Widens tax base i increases government revenue. Promote development of entrepreneurial skill /abilities. Facilitates the process of industrialization/increased output/ GDP / Economic growth. Promotes resource ... Read More

Investment expenditure

03/14/2023 0

Investment expenditure is amount of money devoted to creation of/increasing the existing capital stock Read More

Challenges in  implementing development plans in developing countries 

03/14/2023 0

e Inadequate funds / limited capital Inadequate/ limited necessary data information Limited good will by the people , conservatism Natural calamities Presence of non-responsive private ... Read More

Principle of economic development planning.

03/14/2023 0

Principle of comprehensiveness- should cover the whole economy/all sectors of the economy. Consistency- should be in line with targets and objective of development Sequencing - ... Read More

progressive tax meaning

03/14/2023 0

A progressive tax involves a tax rate that increases (or progresses) as taxable income increases. Read More

Conditions necessary for the success of the balanced growth theory in an economy

03/14/2023 0

Availability of enough capital / sufficient / Adequate capital. Availability of skilled labour /man power. Presence of entrepreneurial abilities/ skills Favourable political climate Favourable government ... Read More

Factors limiting agricultural modernization in Uganda. 

03/13/2023 0

Under development infrastructures. Unfavorable/ unpredictable natural factors/ natural hazards. Limited labour skills. Small market (size) Unfavourable climate political climate Limited funds. Poor techniques of production. ... Read More

Need to modernize the agricultural sector in Uganda

03/13/2023 0

To increase output / hence economic growth. To increase employment opportunities/to minimize seasonal unemployment. To reduce income inequality To increase economic activities in the country ... Read More

Causes of tax evasion in Uganda 

03/13/2023 1

The desire (by the tax payer) to retain or keep all income. Ignorance of the tax payers of the advantage of paying taxes. High level ... Read More

Effects of young population on Uganda’s economy. 

03/13/2023 0

High dependency burden / low savings. Low effective demand. High government expenditure on provision of social services. Low labour supply /small size of labour force. ... Read More

 Factors limiting effective demand for goods and services in Uganda

03/13/2023 0

High prices of goods and services / high price Low consumer(s) Unfavourable tastes and preferences / low quality of Expectation of lower prices I fall ... Read More

Determinants of economic rent 

03/13/2023 0

  The elasticity of supply of the factor. The supply price of the factor. The elasticity of demand for the factor. The (degree of) substitutability ... Read More

Role of National Budget in an economy

03/12/2023 0

Creation of employment opportunities Attains price stability/ controls inflation. Protection of infant industries. Reducing income inequality / ensures equitable distribution of income. Discourages production and ... Read More

Measures  to reduce open-urban unemployment in an economy. 

03/12/2023 0

Advertise / publish the available jobs. Widen markets. Population control to reduce high population growth  rate, Education reform/ proper man power planning. Under take land ... Read More

Causes of open-urban unemployment in an economy. 

03/12/2023 0

Rural  to urban  migration. High population growth ratio. Poor education system which prepares people for white collar jobs. Technological advisement. Limited skills among job seekers. ... Read More

Implications of over population in an economy.

03/12/2023 1

Benefits of over population It increases the size of the domestic market for both the manufactured and agricultural products. Encourages investment It stimulates rapid economic growth. ... Read More

Optimum population

03/12/2023 1

Optimum population refers to the size of the population which provides the labour force that yields the highest possible output per capita given the available ... Read More

Over population

03/12/2023 0

This refers to the population size where there are more people than resources can sustain resulting in fall in average output as the population grows. ... Read More

The problems faced by the industrial sector in less developed countries. 

03/12/2023 0

Limited capital stock/ funds. Poor infrastructure. Limited entrepreneurial skills. Limited skilled manpower. Limited domestic and foreign markets , high MPM / competitor imports. Under developed ... Read More

Factors that determine the level of national income in an economy. 

03/12/2023 2

The level of investment both domestically and externally. The  higher  the level  of investment,   the higher  the  level  of national   income  but  a low  level  ... Read More

Why may government impose price control in an economy? 

03/12/2023 0

To protect consumers from exploitation. To protect producers from exploitation. To maintain price stability/ control inflation. To increase production/ output/ economic growth To make commodities ... Read More

Benefits/advantages/merits of adopting the Big-push theory in developing countries 

03/12/2023 0

Increased employment opportunities. Promotes economic diversification. Development of infrastructure Increased government revenue. Improved balance of payments position. Increased exploitation and utilization of resources. Promotes linkages/ ... Read More

The Big-push theory (development strategy)

03/12/2023 0

The Big-push theory states that, for a backward economy (Le. LCD) to take off into a self-sustained growth a massive investment program in industries and ... Read More

Challenges faced by a developing country when providing public goods.

03/12/2023 1

Inadequate funds/capital Corruption and embezzlement of funds by public officials. Poor infrastructure. Political Limited political commitment. Political interference in Inadequate skills. High rates of inflation ... Read More

Negative effects/disadvantages/demerits of public borrowing

03/12/2023 0

It encourages dependency / laziness. Undermines capital formation due to debt repayment It is inflationary i.e. a case with external borrowing Worsens the Balance of ... Read More

Means/measures to improve economic planning in Uganda

03/12/2023 0

Raise sufficient funds Ensure proper data collection Promote autonomy of the planning authority / discourage political interference in planning Ensure government commitment in planning· Ensure ... Read More

Tools/instruments of fiscal policy 

03/12/2023 0

Tax at ion Government expenditure Subsidization Fees fines Licensing Public borrowing Debt repayment Read More

Factors that limit the principle of cooperative advantage. 

03/12/2023 0

Assumes two countries while there are many countries /dealings with many trading partners/ multilateral trade Assumes two commodities but there are many commodities in Uganda/diversification ... Read More

Causes of low labour productivity 

03/12/2023 0

Low wages /poor remuneration of  workers Use of poor technology/underdeveloped technology Low levels of skills Poor supervision of workers/management/entrepreneurship Poor health conditions or the workers ... Read More

 Indicators of economic development

03/12/2023 0

Increased supply of skilled labour reduced illiteracy Increased incomes. increased investment / entrepreneurship/capita accumulation Reducing political instability I improved political atmosphere Increased economic growth rates/output ... Read More

Causes of youth unemployment in developing countries

03/12/2023 0

Technological progress and increased use of capital intensive methods Changes in seasons especially in agriculture/changes in climatic conditions Unfavourable changes in tastes/limited Markets/fall in demand/falling ... Read More

Statistical challenges faced during the computation of national income

03/12/2023 0

Inadequate statistical data/information Problem of double counting Difficulty of calculating the value of capital depreciation Difficulty of valuing subsistence /Non - marketed output Difficulty of ... Read More

Three methods/approaches to the computation of national income.

03/12/2023 1

  Output /product /value added approach It involves   summing   up the contributions   (value added) of all firms or sectors at each stage of production   of ... Read More

Distinguish between elasticity of demand and price elasticity of demand. 

03/05/2023 0

Elastic of demand is the measure of the degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity to changes in the factors that affect demand. ... Read More

Factors that may limit the adoption of the Big-push strategy in developing countries.

03/05/2023 1

Limited capital Limited skills /Education and training Small markets Poor technology Limited basic infrastructure Poor investment climate - high taxes. limited subsidization Poor land tenure ... Read More

Benefits/merits/advantages of oligopolistic markets to a consumer.

03/05/2023 0

Low prices Eases customers budgeting due to stable prices Widens customers choices due to production of wide variety of good Production of high quality goods ... Read More

The Big push development theory/strategy

03/05/2023 0

The Big push theory sates that for a backward economy (i.e. LDC) to take off into self-sustained growth, a massive investment program in industries and ... Read More

Benefits of economic development planning

03/04/2023 0

bb Ensures proper resource allocation/utilization. Ensures equitable distribution of resource/income/regional balance. Reduces the level of unemployment problem. Corrects BOP problems. Ensures stability in prices. Ensures ... Read More

How are salaries and wages determined in Uganda

03/04/2023 0

b   Through market forces of demand and supply of labour. Through collective bargaining. By employers setting the salaries/wages. Through  individual bargaining. Using the piece ... Read More

Limitations of capital intensive technology

03/04/2023 0

Limited funds/stock of capital. Limited skilled labour Limited entrepreneurship skills Low level of innovations and inventions/research. Cultural rigidities/conservatism. Poor topography. Small/limited market for technology and ... Read More

Forms/types of economic dependence in LDCs

03/04/2023 0

Sectoral dependence. Trade dependence. External resource dependence. Direct economic dependence. Read More

Disadvantages/demerits of imposing taxes 

03/01/2023 0

Discourages saving; Encourages malpractices for example smuggling corruption, etc. Discourages effort and initiatives. It is inflationary - (the case with indirect taxes). Causes resentment of ... Read More

Trade unions

03/01/2023 0

Trade unions are labour   organizations    formed   to maximize   the well-being    of their members   by negotiating   for  better  wages   and  improved   working   conditions   through   collective   bargaining    ... Read More

Factors that influence capital accumulation 

03/01/2023 1

The level of income The rate of inflation The level of infrastructural development The entrepreneurial ability The existing capital stock / .the availability of capital. ... Read More

Impact of localization of industries in  in an economy

03/01/2023 0

Positive impact of localization in my country. Facilitates infrastructural development in the area Creation of more employment opportunities in the area Leads to cooperation of ... Read More

Customs Union

03/01/2023 0

Customs Union is a form of economic integration in which member countries have free trade among themselves and common external barriers / tariffs. Read More

Distinguish between a deficit budget and a surplus budget 

03/01/2023 0

  A deficit budget is one where government expected /estimated/ anticipated/ projected/ planned expenditure in a greater than the government planned/ anticipated/ expected revenue in ... Read More

Causes of cost push inflation

03/01/2023 0

Rising costs (prices) of fuel/ power/ energy. Depreciation / devaluation of the local currency against foreign currencies. Rising costs (prices) of imported in puts / ... Read More

Implications/Advantages/benefits/Merits and disadvantages/demerits of trade liberalization

02/28/2023 1

Positive implications /Advantages/benefits/Merits of trade liberalization in Uganda are: increased employment opportunities Increased level  of output hence  increased growth rates Encourages  resource  utilization. Encourages inventions ... Read More