Category: General

Describe the major economic development in Tanganyika between 1910-1960.

02/24/2025 0

The major economic developments in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) between 1910 and 1960 were influenced by both colonial policies and global economic trends. Here are some ... Read More

Account for low levels of industrialization in Uganda during the colonial period.

02/24/2025 0

Industrialization is the process by which an economy transforms from primarily agrarian and handcraft-based to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing. It involves the ... Read More

Assess the impact of 1932 carter land commission on the people of Kenya.

02/23/2025 0

The 1932 Carter Land Commission, also known as the Morris-Carter Commission, had significant positive and negative impacts on the people of Kenya. Here are the ... Read More

Account for the outbreak of Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya.

02/23/2025 0

The Mau Mau Rebellion in Kenya, which lasted from 1952 to 1960, was driven by a combination of socio-economic, political, and cultural factors. Here are ... Read More

Assess the impact of colonialism to socio-economic development of East African countries up to 1963.

02/23/2025 0

Colonization in East Africa had several positive impacts, despite its many negative consequences. Here are some of the key benefits: Infrastructure Development: The British and ... Read More

To what extent did colonial agriculture benefit the people of Uganda during the colonial period?

02/23/2025 0

 The cultivation of cash crops during the colonial rule in Uganda had significant positive socio-economic impacts as Illustrated below: Economic Transformation: The introduction of cash ... Read More

“The religious wars in Buganda were primarily caused by Kabaka Mwanga”. Discuss.

02/23/2025 5

The religious wars in Buganda, also known as the "religious-political wars," were complex and multifaceted with Kabaka Mwanga playing a significant these conflicts between different ... Read More

To what extent was African traditional religion responsible for the outbreak of the 1905-1907 Maji Maji rebellion?

02/23/2025 0

African traditional religion played a significant role in the outbreak of the 1905-1907 Maji Maji Rebellion in Tanganyika. Here are some key points: Spiritual Leadership: ... Read More

Assess the impact of cash crop growing to the social-economic development of Tanganyika during the colonial rule

02/23/2025 0

The cultivation of cash crops during the colonial rule in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) had significant positive socio-economic impacts as Illustrated below: Economic Transformation: The introduction ... Read More

To What extent were social factors responsible for scramble for and partition of East Africa

02/23/2025 0

Social factors played a significant role in the scramble for and partition of East Africa, but they were intertwined with political and economic motivations. Here ... Read More

Explain the role of Lord Delamere to the socio-economic development of Kenya during the colonial period.

02/23/2025 0

 Lord Delamere, specifically Hugh Cholmondeley, 3rd Baron Delamere, was a British peer and one of the first and most influential British settlers in Kenya. He ... Read More

Describe the educational developments in Uganda 1910-1960.

02/23/2025 0

The period between 1910 and 1960 saw significant developments in Uganda's education system. Here are some key milestones: Early 20th Century (1910-1930) Missionary Influence: Christian ... Read More

What is meant by photoelectric emission?

02/22/2025 0

Photoelectric emission is the discharge of electrons from clean metal surface struck by electromagnetic radiations of high energy. Please obtain free notes, exams and marking ... Read More

Give biological uses and one industrial use of radiations

02/22/2025 0

Medical: Irradiation is used in cancer treatment (radiotherapy) to target and kill cancer cells. Food Safety: It is used to kill bacteria and other pathogens ... Read More

Describe how the radiations emitted in a cloud chamber may be identified. 

02/22/2025 0

The different types of radiation can be identified based on the characteristics of the tracks they leave in the cloud chamber Alpha particles produce thick, ... Read More

Explain the role of Sir Hesketh Bell to the socio-economic development of Uganda during the colonial period

02/22/2025 0

Sir Henry Hesketh Joudou Bell was a British colonial administrator who served as the Governor of the Uganda Protectorate from 1905 to 19092. During his ... Read More

Examine the impact of wage employment on the people of Kenya.

02/22/2025 0

Wage employment has had a significant impact on the people of Kenya, influencing various aspects of their lives. Here are some key effects: Positive Impacts ... Read More

How did the land alienation policy of the White affect the people of Tanganyika during the colonial period

02/22/2025 0

The land alienation policy implemented by colonial authorities in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) had profound effects on the local population during the colonial period. Here are ... Read More

Describe the education developments of Kenya between 1910 – 1960.

02/22/2025 0

The period between 1910 and 1960 saw significant developments in the education system of Kenya. Here are some key milestones: Early 20th Century (1910-1930) Missionary ... Read More

What were the challenges faced by labour organizations in Uganda/Kenya/Tanzania during and after colonial rule.

02/22/2025 0

Labour organizations, also known as trade unions or labor unions, are groups formed by workers to represent their interests and protect their rights in the ... Read More

Assess the consequence of Christianity on the people of Buganda and Uganda.

02/22/2025 0

The spread of Christianity by missionaries made both positive and negative impact on the people of Buganda and Uganda as illustrated below: Positive Consequences Education: ... Read More

Explain the factors responsible for urbanization in Kenya since independence.

02/22/2025 0

Urbanization is the process by which rural areas transform into urban areas, leading to the growth of cities and towns. It involves the movement of ... Read More

Examine the effect of the move to a cash economy on the people of East Africa

02/22/2025 0

The transition from barter trade to a cash economy in East Africa has had profound effects on the region's people. Here are some key impacts: ... Read More

With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe Thomson’s experient for determining specific charge.

02/21/2025 0

The electrons are produced thermionically by a hot filament cathode and are accelerated towards a cylindrical anode and pass through it. The small hole on ... Read More

Factors that contributed to the development of modern transport in West Africa by 1914

02/21/2025 0

  Several factors contributed to the development of the modern transport system in West Africa by 1914: 1. Colonial Influence: Railways: European colonial powers, particularly ... Read More

Explain what is observed when the electroscope is given negative charge, and the zinc plate is illuminated by infrared radiation. 

02/21/2025 0

No change in divergence because no electrons are lost by photoelectric effect since infrared radiation has frequency below threshold frequence of zinc. Please obtain free ... Read More

Explain what is observed when the gold leaf electroscope is given a negative charge and the zinc plate is illuminated by ultraviolet light. 

02/21/2025 0

Divergence decreases because the zinc plate loses electrons by photoelectric effect since ultraviolet radiation has frequency higher than threshold frequence of zinc. Please obtain free ... Read More

Explain how the classical wave theory fails to account for observation that photoelectric emission is an intantaneous process. 

02/21/2025 0

According to the wave theory radiation energy is uniformly spread over the whole wave front. Since the amount of energy incident on any electron would ... Read More

What is meant by work function as applied to photoelectric effect.

02/21/2025 0

Work function is the minimum energy required to liberate an electron from a metal surface.   Please obtain free notes, exams and marking guides of ... Read More

What is meant by threshold frequency as applied to photoelectric effect.

02/21/2025 0

It is the frequency of incident radiation below which no electron emission takes place from a metal surface.   Please obtain free notes, exams and ... Read More

State any three properties of ultraviolet radiation.

02/21/2025 0

Produces ionization Produces fluorescence Affects photographic films Produces photoelectric effect Absorbed by glass Can be polarized Promotes chemical reactions Please obtain free notes, exams and ... Read More

Measurement of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor (e.g. glass, cork)

02/21/2025 0

Glass s cut in form of a thin disc of cross section area, A and thickness, x. The disc is sandwiched between a steam chest ... Read More

In an experiment to determine specific heat capacity of a liquid using the continuous flow calorimeter; explain why two sets of reading are taken.

02/21/2025 0

To account for heat losses. Please obtain free notes, exams and marking guides of Physics, chemistry, biology, history, from website. Thanks Dr. Bbosa Science Read More

Explain the significance of the elders on the social economic organization of East African societies in Africa

02/21/2025 0

Elders held a central role in the social and economic organization of East African societies. Here are some key aspects of their significance: Wisdom and ... Read More

Assess the impact of Ngoni migration and settlement on the People of Tanganyika

02/21/2025 0

The Ngoni migration and settlement had significant impacts on the people of Tanganyika (modern-day Tanzania) in various ways: Social Impact Displacement and Disruption: The Ngoni ... Read More

Explain reasons why Sayyid Said transferred his Capital from Muscat to Zanzibar in 1832.

02/21/2025 0

Sayyid Said, also known as Said bin Sultan, transferred his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar in 1832 for several reasons: Economic Opportunities: Zanzibar offered significant ... Read More

What were contributions of Sayyid Said to East Africa

02/21/2025 0

Sayyid Said, also known as Said bin Sultan, made several significant contributions to East Africa during his reign. Here are some key points: Establishment of ... Read More

Examine the effects of Arab settlement on the coast on the people of East Africa.

02/21/2025 0

The Arab settlement on the East African coast had profound effects on the local people, shaping the region's culture, economy, and social structures. Here are ... Read More

Examine the socio-economic impact of abolition of slave trade from East Africa

02/21/2025 0

The abolition of the slave trade in East Africa had significant socio-economic impacts: Social Impact Population Increase: The end of the slave trade led to ... Read More

Account for the abolition of slave trade from East Africa.

02/21/2025 0

The abolition of the slave trade in East Africa during the 19th century was influenced by several key factors: Humanitarian Efforts: European missionaries and humanitarians, particularly ... Read More

What was the socio-economic impact of slave trade on East Africa?

02/21/2025 0

The socio-economic impact of the slave trade on East Africa during the 19th century was profound and far-reaching: Social Impact Depopulation: The slave trade led ... Read More

Explain the factors that led to development of slave trade in East Africa during the 19th Century

02/21/2025 0

The development of the slave trade in East Africa during the 19th century was influenced by several factors: High Demand for Slaves: There was a ... Read More

How was law and order maintained in pre-colonial East African Societies during the early 19th century

02/21/2025 0

In pre-colonial East African societies during the early 19th century, law and order were maintained through various mechanisms: Traditional Leadership: Chiefs, kings, and elders played ... Read More

How did local trade thrive in the interior of East Africa in the early 19th century?

02/21/2025 0

Local trade in the interior of East Africa thrived in the early 19th century due to several key factors: Demand for Goods: There was a ... Read More

How far did Tippu Tip contribute to the development of long-distance trade

02/21/2025 0

 Tippu Tip, whose real name was Hamad bin Muhammad bin Juma bin Rajab el Murjebi, was a prominent Afro-Omani ivory and slave trader, explorer, and ... Read More

How far did Mirambo contribute to the development of long-distance trade? or What role did the Nyamwezi play in organization of long-distance trade

02/21/2025 0

 Mirambo, whose full name was Mtyela Kasanda, was a prominent Nyamwezi king and warlord in the 19th century. Born around 1840, he ruled from 1860 ... Read More

How far did Sayyid said contribute to the development of long-distance trade?

02/21/2025 0

 Sayyid Said, also known as Said bin Sultan, was a prominent Sultan of Oman and Zanzibar. He was born in 1790 and ruled from 1804 ... Read More

Explain how a cathode ray oscilloscope can be used to measure a.c voltage. 

02/20/2025 0

An unknown a.c. voltage, whose peak value is required, is connected to the Y-plates. With the time-base switched off, the vertical line on the screen ... Read More

Assess the impact of long distance trade on socio-economic development of East Africa in the 19th

02/20/2025 0

  Although long –distance trade involved movement of commodities between the coast and interior regions of East Africa, it also involved movement of commodities long ... Read More

33. Account for the development of trade routes between the interior and the cost of East Africa in the early 19th century.

02/20/2025 0

Trade routes were paths and connections that facilitated the movement of commodities between coastal trade markets and the interior regions of East Africa. The development ... Read More

What role did Baganda play in the organization of long-distance trade?

02/20/2025 0

Although long –distance trade involved movement of commodities between the coast and interior regions of East Africa, it also involved movement of commodities long distances ... Read More

Assess the role of land tenure system and utilization of natural resources in the growth of Buganda Kingdoms by the 19th

02/20/2025 0

The land tenure system and the utilization of natural resources played significant roles in the growth of the Buganda Kingdom by the 19th century. Land ... Read More

To what extent did the terms “Bairu” and “Bahima” describe the social and economic classes in the 19th century?

02/20/2025 0

The social and economic differences between the Bairu and Bahima in the Ankole Kingdom were quite pronounced: Social Differences Social Status: The Bahima were considered ... Read More

“The pre-colonial communities in East Africa lived interdependently”. Discuss.

02/19/2025 5

In pre-colonial East Africa, the communities lived in a complex web of interdependence, which was essential for their survival, prosperity, and cultural development. Examples to ... Read More

“Pre-colonial communities were socially and economically independent.” Discuss

02/19/2025 0

While it is true that many pre-colonial communities in East Africa demonstrated a high degree of social and economic autonomy, it is also important to ... Read More

Compare and contrast the cultural patterns between the agriculturist and pastoral communities during pre-colonial period.

02/19/2025 1

In pre-colonial East Africa, the societies that were primarily engaged in agriculture includes Baganda in central Uganda, Kikuyu, Kamba, Meru in Kenya; and Chagga and ... Read More

Describe the relationship of Buganda and her neighbours by 1880.

02/19/2025 0

Buganda is a region located in the central part of Uganda. It is one of the country's oldest and most influential kingdoms, with its capital ... Read More

Discuss the relationship between the Karamojong and their neighbors during Early 19th century

02/19/2025 0

The Karamojong, a Nilotic ethnic group in Uganda are primarily located in the northeastern part of Uganda, in an area known as Karamoja. This region ... Read More

Explain how a thermocouple is used to measure temperature on a Celsius scale.

02/18/2025 0

  (ii) State two advantages of a thermocouple. (01mark) Used to measure rapidly changing temperature It can give direct readings It is not bulky It ... Read More