Category: Geography

Physical geography Chapter 4 Rocks video

11/08/2023 4 Mineral Rocks The process responsible for the formation of igneous rocks in East Africa Plutonic rocks/ Abyssal rocks: Hypabyssal/intermediate rocks: Volcanic rocks/extrusive rocks: Characteristics ... Read More

UACE Geography Development of transport in the world part 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 videos

10/30/2023 2 UACE 250/2 geography paper 2 topic:advantages of road and railways transport, ,contributions of road and railway transport, problems facing road and railtransport in Africa ... Read More

Physical geography Chapter 2 Faulting in East Africa lesson 1 of 2 and 2 of 2

10/29/2023 3 Faulting The Rift Valley • The Tension force theory by Gregory • The compression force by Wayland • Vertical displacement theory by Dixey Importance ... Read More

UACE Geography The earth, continental drift and earthquakes video 1 of 2

10/23/2023 0 Properties of the earth. structure of the earth Spinning and Rotation of the earth Theories of continental drift F.B Tailor’s theory of continental drift ... Read More

Gondwanaland meaning

10/21/2023 0

It is large area of land that is believed to have existed long ago and to have consisted of the lands of the Southern Hemisphere ... Read More

Demersal fish meaning

10/16/2023 0

Demersal fish are those which live on, or near to the bottom of lakes or seas Read More

UACE Geography Agricultural practices in the world lesson 8 of 8 video

10/15/2023 1 Fishing industry in theNorway, Ghana, Peru, Sweden, Angola, China, Namibia, Japan, Chile. The factors that favor fishing industry. The contributions of fishing industry. Factors ... Read More


10/15/2023 0

A canyon is a deep, narrow valley with steep sides. Read More

UACE Geography Agricultural practices in the world lesson 7 of 8 video

10/11/2023 0 Livestock farming Cooperative farming in Denmark Characteristics of cooperative farming Positive contributions/merits/Advantages of cooperative farming Roles of cooperatives in the development of dairy farming ... Read More

UACE Geography Agricultural practices in the world lesson 6 of 7 video

10/07/2023 0 Agricultural production in Monsoon Asia Favorable Factors intensive agricultural production in Monsoon Asia Problems faced by agricultural production in Monsoon Asia Steps being taken ... Read More

UACE Geography Agricultural practices in the world lesson 5 of 7 video

10/07/2023 0 Agricultural communes in china Characteristics of communes Factors that lead to development of agricultural communes in China Contributions of commune farming in China Collective ... Read More

UACE Geography Agricultural practices in the world lesson 4 of 7 video

10/06/2023 0 Characteristics of intensive farming Market gardening /truck farming e.g. in California, Netherland, Belgium, Denmark, etc Horticulture e.g. Netherland, Kenya Highlands, Denmark, Factory farming e.g. ... Read More

UACE Geography Agricultural practices in the world lesson 2 of 7 Video

10/02/2023 0 Small holding farming Characteristics of small holding farms Advantages of small scale farming Disadvantages of small scale farming Growing of palm oil trees in ... Read More

UACE Geography Agricultural practices in the world lesson 1 of 7 video

10/01/2023 0 Characteristics of shifting cultivation Advantages of shifting cultivation Disadvantages of shifting cultivation Factors for persistence of shifting cultivation Factors for decline of shifting cultivation ... Read More

UACE Geography- Manufacturing industry in the world video

09/29/2023 0   Major industrial Centres in selected countries in the world, Britan, USA, China, Germany, Republic of South Africa Factors that favor development of industries ... Read More

UACE Geography Forestry in the World videos

09/25/2023 1 Characteristics of tropical rainforest Factors that favor the growth of tropical rainforest Factors favoring exploitation of tropical rain forests Factors that limit exploitation of ... Read More

Geography Urbanization and development of ports in the world video

09/23/2023 0 Meanings of urbanization, city, port, a site of a port, Conurbation Causes of urbanization Contributions (positive and negative) effects of urbanization General factors that ... Read More

Geography Development of transport in the world part 2 of 2 video

09/14/2023 1 Inland water transport advantages of inland water transport, disadvantages of inland water transport inland water transport in china, USA, western europe steps improve inland ... Read More

Geography Development of transport in the world part 1 of 2 video

09/14/2023 0 UACE 250/3 geography paper 2 topic:advantages of road and railways transport, ,contributions of road and railway transport, problems facing road and railtransport in Africa Read More

Geography: Mining in the world video

09/14/2023 1 Definitions of mining types of minerals Mining in Nigeria, Democratic Republic of congo, DRC, Liberia, Germany, USA, Zambia, South Africa, Ghana, Libya The factors ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Revision questions for famine, desertification in the world

07/08/2023 1

To what extent have physical factors contributed to the famine prob1em in Sub-Sahara Africa? (Candidates should define famine; identify sub-Sahara region and the most hit ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Urbanization and Port development in the world

07/07/2023 2

Definitions Urbanization is a process where there is an increasing percentage of the country's population living in towns. It is also a process of town ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Revision questions for Urbanization and port development in the world

07/07/2023 1

(a) Distinguish between site and hinterland of a port (05 marks) A site of a port refers to the actual ground where the port is ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Tourism in the world

07/06/2023 0

Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Revision questions for tourism in the world

07/06/2023 1

Account for the development of tourism in either California or Republic of South Africa. (Candidates should select one country either California or Republic of South ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Development of transport in the world

07/03/2023 0

Transport is the physical movement of people and commodities from one place to another. Types of Transport Road transport Advantages of road transport Cheap in ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Revision questions for development of transport in the world

07/02/2023 0

Account for the development of road transport in either South Africa or Zambia. (25 marks) (Candidates have to select a country and describe the current ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Manufacturing industry in the world

07/01/2023 0

Industrialization is a process in which countries become increasingly involved in the production of manufactured goods. Major industrial Centres in selected countries in the world ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Revision questions for manufacturing industry in the world

07/01/2023 0

To what extent has availability of power and energy influenced the distribution of industries in either Germany or the USA. (Candidates should select one of ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Revision question of Population distribution, growth, characteristics and problems in selected region in the world

06/28/2023 0

Describe the influence of climate on population distribution in Africa. (25 marks) (Candidates are expected to describe the distribution of the population in Africa i.e. ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Mining in the world

06/27/2023 1 Mining is the process whereby mineral ores in commercial quantities are obtained from earth crust and purified to a form in which they ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 revision questions for Mining in the world

06/26/2023 0

Describe the factors limiting the exploitation of mineral resources in either Nigeria or DRC.(25marks) (Candidates should select one country and describe the status of the ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2: Forestry in the world

06/25/2023 1

A forest is an area of land dominated by trees. Broadly forests are classified into tropical rain forests and temperate coniferous forest Tropical rain forests The ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 revision questions for Forestry in the world

06/25/2023 2

1. Account for the development of the forestry industry in either Brazil or Canada (25marks) Ca11didateis expected to define a forest or forestry Justify the ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 Agricultural (Farming, livestock and fishing) practices  in the world

06/22/2023 0

Agriculture is the planting of crops and rearing of animals. Agriculture provides food, and raw materials for clothing, shelter, medicine etc. Agriculture types include Simple ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 revision questions for Farming, livestock and fishing  practices in the world

06/18/2023 1

Farming Examine the merits and demerits of plantation farming in either Liberia or Kwazulu-Natal of South Africa. (25marks) Candidates are expected to define the term ... Read More

Agricultural communes

06/16/2023 0

Agricultural communes is type of farming where government organizes farmers in teams and brigades  to carry out production on land a government owned land where ... Read More

Geography (UACE 250/2) paper 2 section A revision questions

06/12/2023 11

Study the table below showing the area under forest in selected countries in Africa (2010) and answer the questions that follow Country Total forested area ... Read More

Physical geography Chapter 14: Soils in East Africa

06/12/2023 2

Soil refers to the thin surface (outermost) layer of the earth's crust that supports life. It is composed of organic and inorganic material, air moisture, ... Read More


06/05/2023 55

Pedocal means a soil that includes a definite hardened layer of accumulated carbonates Read More


06/05/2023 0

Pedalfers are usually a very fertile, dark brown or black soil Read More

Loamy soil

06/05/2023 0

Loamy soil describes a soil texture, not acidity or alkalinity. Read More

Physical geography Chapter 14: Vegetation in East Africa

06/04/2023 3

Vegetation is a continuous plant cover. Natural vegetation types of East Africa include Tropical evergreen/Equatorial rain forest is found around the Lake Victoria shores, and ... Read More

Physical geography Chapter 13: Climatology (Climate)  in East Africa

06/03/2023 1

Climate Climate is the average weather conditions of the atmosphere of a given place studied and recorded over a long period of time over 40 ... Read More

Physical geography Chapter 12: Climatology (weather) in East Africa

06/03/2023 0

Climatology is the study of the atmosphere and weather patterns over time. This field of science focuses on recording and analyzing weather patterns throughout the world ... Read More

Absolute humidity

05/31/2023 1

Absolute humidity is the mass of water in (grams/m3) per unit volume of dry air regardless of its temperature. The higher the amount of water ... Read More

Relative humidity

05/31/2023 0

Relative humidity is a ratio, expressed in percent, of the amount of atmospheric moisture present relative to the amount that would be present if the ... Read More


05/30/2023 2

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. It is measured by use of a hygrometer. Read More


05/30/2023 0

Clouds are visible accumulations of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the Earth’s atmosphere. Read More

wind surfing

05/30/2023 0

Windsurfing is a unique water sport that combines the elements of surfing and sailing. The rider is planing across the water on a board rigged ... Read More

Physical geography Chapter 11: Coral landforms in East Africa

05/27/2023 0

Coral landforms/ reefs are offshore limestone rock platforms formed by continuous deposition and accumulation of shells or skeletons of small marine organisms known as coral ... Read More

Physical geography Chapter 9: Costal geomorphology in East Africa

05/26/2023 2

A coast is part of land bordering the sea or any other extensive tract of water like ocean. The nature of the coast is influenced ... Read More


05/25/2023 0

A geo is a narrow steep sided inlet along a cliff formed when entire roof of a cave collapses. Read More

Physical geography Chapter 9: Glaciation in East Africa

05/24/2023 4

Glaciation Glaciation comes from the word ''glacier" which means moving large mass of ice from higher level to lower level under the influence of gravity ... Read More


05/24/2023 1

An esker is a long ridge of gravel and other sediments, typically having a winding course, deposited by meltwater from a retreating glacier or ice sheet. Found In South Africa ... Read More

Till plain

05/24/2023 1

Till plains are an extensive(wide) flat plain of glacial till  that forms when a sheet of ice becomes detached from the main body of a glacier and melts in ... Read More


05/24/2023 0

Drumlins are oval-shaped hills about 30-50m high, largely composed of glacial drift, formed beneath a glacier or ice sheet and aligned in the direction of ice ... Read More


05/23/2023 0

Nivation is erosion of the ground beneath and at the sides of a snow bank, mainly as a result of alternate freezing and thawing. Read More

Physical geography Chapter 8: Lakes in East Africa

05/21/2023 4

A lake is a depression or basin filled with water Lakes in East Africa differ in permanency, salinity, shape, size and depth. Processes leading to ... Read More