Characteristics of a monopolistic competitive market 

Characteristics of a monopolistic competitive market 


  • Existence of many firms. There are many sellers and buyers involved   in the exchange of closely related products.
  • There is use of persuasive advertisement. Firms   under   this market   structure  use persuasive advertisement in order  to convince   the  customers   to  buy  their  products   and  therefore   to expand their  market  share.
  • Freedom of entry and exit. When a firm makes profits in producing a certain commodity,   other firms  are  free  to enter  in the  production   of the  same  commodity   and  when  firms  make  losses, some  firms are free to leave  production.
  • Sellers (producers) are price makers. Firms  under  monopolistic competition   have  the  power  to either  their  control  output  or price  of the output  to a certain  extent.
  • There is government intervention. The government    can   intervene    by implementing    certain policies like taxation, fixing prices of commodities    in case firms over exploiting   consumers   etc.
  • Profit maximization is the major goal of producers. That   is, all producers    in this   market structure aim at maximizing   profits and minimizing   costs.
  • Existence of brand loyalty. That   is, certain   consumers    have   a strong   attachment    to certain brands of commodities.    For example Colgate, Coca-Cola   products, Shell etc.
  • The demand curve under this market structure is fairly elastic. This is because firms sell close substitutes and there is stiff competition.     In addition,   the  demand   curve  is down  ward  sloping from  left to right  because  each  firm has the ability  to control  price  or output  a certain  extent.
  • There is existence of excess capacity in production both in the short and long run. Firms under this market   structure   do not fully   utilize   their   resources    to optimal    level   in the production process.
  • There is existence of product differentiation. Product   differentiation     refers   to  the  measures taken   by  producers    under   monopolistic     competition     to   create   artificial    differences    among products  of the same  category  to make  them  appear  as close  substitutes.
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