Characteristics (structure) of Uganda’s labour force
- It is a rapidly growing labour force. This is due to the high population growth rate.
- It is dominated by the young group aged between 15 and 30 years.
- It is characterized by high levels of unemployment and under employment.
- It is dominated by unskilled, illiterate and semi-skilled labour.
- It is dominated by job seekers rather than job creators. This is due to the theoretical nature of the education system.
- It is characterized by low levels of productivity due to low levels of education and training.
- It is full of target workers who aim at achieving their objectives in a given time and leave the job there after.
- It is mainly employed in the agricultural sector.
- There is high mobility of labour and high rates of brain drain. This is mainly common with the small fraction of highly skilled labour that prefers to look for greener pastures abroad.
- The labour force is mainly employed in the public sector (government) with very few in the private sector and others are self-employed. The number of people employed in the private sector is steadily increasing due to privatization policy of parastatals.
- There is high rural urban migration of the labour force especially the young group. This leads to massive urban unemployment due to excessive labour supply in urban areas.
- There is limited female labour force as most of the women work as house wives, though the percentage is increasing due to increased number of females accessing higher education
- It is characterized by weak trade unions due to poor organization of labour.
- It is characterized by high rates of absenteeism from work. This is mainly due to poor health conditions
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science
Good notes i also add appoint of most of the ugandan’s loabour force is used in agricultural sector