Compare saprophytes and parasites

Compare saprophytes and parasites

Compare saprophytes and parasites

    • Similarities
    • Both are heterotrophic
    • Both produce large number of offspring.
    • Both have sexual and asexual phases in their reproductive cycle.
    • Both have digestive enzymes.



    Saprophytes Parasites
    ·         Derive energy from decaying organic                matter ·         Derive energy from living organisms
    ·         Involve a single adult stage and spores             in life cycle. ·         Involve many stages in their life cycle
    ·         Use a variety of food sources ·         Are very specific to their hosts
    ·         Have simple method of nutrition ·         Have a complex method of feeding
    ·         Almost totally bacteria and fungi ·         Most plant and animal groups have                   representatives
    ·         There are aerobic and anaerobic forms. ·         Most are aerobic

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