Compare the life cycle of a moss and a fern.

Similarities between the life cycle of a moss and a fern

  • In both the diploid sporophyte produces spores and the haploid gametophyte produces gametes.
  • In both the female gamete is non-motile while the male gamete is motile.
  • In both the sporophyte grows out of the gametophyte.
  • In both gametes are produced by mitosis.
  • In both gametophyte is photosynthestic




Life cycle of moss Life cycles of a fern
–          Gametophyte is dominant –          Gametophyte is dependent
–          Sporophyte is dependent –          Sporophyte is dominant
–          Sporophyte is very temporary and photosynthesizes to a limited extent –          Sporophyte is long-lasting and photosynthetically active
–          Gametophyte is long-lasting –          Gametophyte is a temporary organ


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