Similarities and differences between human and compound eyes

Similarities and differences between human and compound eyes


  1. both have lenses
  2. have light sensitive cells allow eye to collect data that is interpreted by brain to form images


Character Human eye Compound eye
Field of view Narrow Wide because it covers a big part of the head
Number of visual unit One per eye Many (omatia) per eye
Regulation of light into the cell Light is regulated by iris Does not regulate light
Visual acuity High visual acuity due to high density of sensitivity cells in the retina Low visual acuity due to

(i)       low density of light sensitive cells (omatidia)

(ii)     small lenses leading to high diffraction of light

(iii)   have small brains that cannot interpret detailed images.

Critical flicker frequency Low High
Color vision Distinguish between colors Not all compound eyes can distinguish between colors

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