Contribution of Mt. Rwenzori to human activities

Contribution of Mt. Rwenzori to human activities

Positive impacts

  • It influences the formation of orographic rainfall at Nyabirango, Muhokya and Bwera leading to the growth of coffee, bananas etc.
  • Mt Rwenzori’s beautiful scenery such as Margherita peak attracts tourists who bring foreign exchange.
  • Rwenzori provides a home for wild animals such as monkeys etc
  • Mount rwenzori contains trees used for construction of houses
  • Rwenzori is sources of rivers such as Semuliki that are sources of domestic water.
  • Mt Rwenzori contains mineral such cobalt that are source of foreign exchange.
  • Rwenzori is used for defensive settlement by some tribes pron to insecurity e.f. the Bakonjo and Bamba.
  • The lower slopes of Mt. Rwenzori such as Kilembe, Mobku are used for crop cultivation such cotton, yams etc.
  • Source of honey and fruits for local people.
  • Source of stones for building and decoration
  • For research and study purpose such as in geophysics.

Negative impact

  • Rwenzori has created a rain shadow in Kasese which discourage farming.
  • Rwenzori slopes are prone to landslide, stone fall, soil erosion a danger to settlement.
  • It encourage political istability due to many hiding places on the mountain
  • It is a habitat to dangerous animals and vermines such as tsetse flies that transmit Nagana and sleeding sickness.
  • Lower parts of the mountain experience seasonal flooding leading to loss of properties e.g. Nyabirango
  • Rugged slopes limit development of transport and communication networks.
  • Tourists have lead to acquisition of social evils such prostitution.
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