Contributions of forests in Uganda

Contributions of forests in Uganda

Positive contributions

  • Source of timber for example from forests like Mabira, Budongo for local and foreign markets.
  • Provide timber for construction industry
  • Provide firewood and charcoal for domestic use in Kampala, Wakiso etc.
  • Forests lake Mabira in Buikweinfluence microclimate of adjacent areas leading to rainfall in Mukono and Jinja.
  • Contain animals such as gollira’s in Bwindi. These attract tourists leading to acquisition of foreign exchange
  • Source of harbal medicine
  • Absorb green house gases protecting the environment from desertification
  • Source fruits, honey form Budongo forest etc which are highly nutrious
  • Forests like Mabira provide emplyment to forest rangers, timber cutter, tourist guides etc.
  • Source of government revenue through taxes and licences
  • Source of recreation and relaxation
  • Prevent soil erosion
  • They are water catchment areas such for river semuliki,river Sezibwa etc.
  • Promote development infrastructure like road network to facilitate movement of tourists and forest products.

Negative contribution

  • Contain dangerous wild animals like leopards,
  • Are misused by rebels that distabilize political climate e.g. in Kasese.

They hinder construction of roads such as Bwindi forest

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