Control of poultry vices

Control of poultry vices

  1. The farmer should provide enough laying boxes that should be placed in easy to reach dark places.
  2. The birds should be debeaked between 9 – 12 weeks in order to control egg eating.
  3. Give the birds balanced feeds to reduce the laying of soft-shelled eggs that easily break and cause egg eating.
  4. Overcrowding of the birds in the poultry house should be avoided by reducing the stocking rate.
  5. Greens to be fed to the birds should be hanged over their heads so that birds are kept busy.
  6. Sick birds and weak ones should be isolated from the general flock to control cannibalism.
  7. The farmer should remove all the slow molting birds from the general flock since such birds encourage cannibalism.
  8. The breeding stock should be selected from the birds that do not show any sign of vices.
  9. The nests should be enough and must be well positioned to reduce accidents that can cause breaking of the eggs resulting into egg eating.
  10. There should be enough feeds and water troughs for the birds.
  11. Birds with lice infection and gumboro disease should be culled.
  12. The farmer should treat external parasites and prevent diseases in the flock through vaccination.

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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