Demerits (Disadvantages/Arguments against/Negative role) of international trade
- Dumping problem. International trade encourages dumping which retards the development of local infant industries in the countries where the commodities are dumped.
Note. Dumping refers to the selling commodities in foreign markets at lower prices than the price charged in the domestic market.
- Increase in economic dependence and reduction in self-reliance. It encourages the dependence syndrome in countries most especially for developing countries which have to depend on imports from developed countries in form of consumer and capital goods.
- Imported inflation. It leads to imported inflation especially when imports are bought at higher prices from countries experiencing inflation.
- Balance of payment problems. It results into unfavorable balance of payments That is when the country spends more on imports than what it receives from exports. This is true for Uganda as it imports expensive manufactured goods and exports primary or agricultural products. .
- It worsens the terms of trade for the country when the import prices are higher than exported prices.
- It encourages the importation of dangerous and harmful products to the country in form of drugs, pornographic materials etc. Such products may adversely affect the country economically, culturally and socially
- Demonstration effect. International trade encourages demonstration effect where by local people tend to consume luxurious expensive commodities from foreign countries and neglect the domestically produced goods. This undermines the growth of local infant industries.
- It encourages brain drain. Brain drain refers to the massive movement of skilled labour from one country to another especially from developing, to developed countries. This leads to lack of skilled manpower in the developing countries.
- It leads to political instabilities especially in developing countries. This is because they import fire-arms and military hard ware from developed countries. This contributes to under development of developing countries.
- It perpetuates political ties and economic dominance by developed on to developing countries. In this case developing countries have to accept political and economic policies from developed countries which may not be in their line of development.
- It leads to under development and collapse of local infant industries as they are exposed to foreign competition in form of high quality imported commodities as compared to the locally produced domestic products. This undermines the countries need to industrialize.
- It acts as disincentive to work for the local people since they are assured of the supply of commodities from foreign countries in form of imports. This discourages production activities in the country.
- It promotes international inequalities where by developed countries benefit more as compared to developing countries. This is because developed countries produce and export expensive manufactured products while developed countries produce and export cheap primary products to developed countries.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science