Describe an experiment to determine the acceleration due to gravity, g, using a spiral spring, of known constant. 

Describe an experiment to determine the acceleration due to gravity, g, using a spiral spring, of known constant. 


  • Clamp the spring on a retort stand
  • Fix a horizontal pin at free end of the spring to act as a pointer.
  • Place a vertical meter rule next the pointer and note the initial pointer position, P1.
  • Suspend a known mass, M, to the free end of the spring, note and record the new position of the pointer, P2.
  • Calculate extension, e = P2 – P1.
  • Find the extensions for different masses
  • Plot a graph of e against M
  • Calculate the slope, S of the graph
  • Calculate the acceleration due to gravity, g = kS (k = force constant)

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