Describe an experiment to determine the velocity of sound in air by an interference method. (06marks)

Describe an experiment to determine the velocity of sound in air by an interference method. (06marks)

Two small loud speakers a and b about 1m apart are connected to the same oscillator so that both emit sound waves of frequency, f, in phase.

A sensitive detector is moved parallel to the line AB along PQ and it detects a maximum wave at P on perpendicular bisector MP of AB and another maximum wave when it first reaches a point Q directly opposite to B.

Constructive interference of sound wave occurs at P and Q, so the wavelength of sound wave is given by λ = AQ –BQ

The speed of sound in air is then calculated from V =fλ.


Alternative 1

A long tube is filled with water.

A vibrating turning fork of known frequency f is held over the mouth of the tube.

Water is gradually removed until a loud sound is heard.

The length l1 of air column is measured.

Water is allowed out until a loud sound is heard again.

The length l2 of air column is measured

The velocity of sound in air is calculated from V= 2f(l2 –l1)


Alternative 2

  • Along tube is filled with water.
  • A vibrating turning fork of known frequency f is held over the mouth of the tube.
  • Water is gradually removed until a loud sound is heard.
  • The length L of air column is measured.
  • (i) to (iv) is repeated with five other different turning forks
  • The results are tabulated including values of 1/f
  • A graph of L against  1/f is plotted and slope S is determined.
  • The speed of sound, v = 4S.

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    LUGOLOOBI JOHN 2 years

    It’s a helpful site, thanks

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    Diggo Abdallah 7 months

    The information was useful thank you

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    Diggo Abdallah 7 months

    The information about sound waves was useful. Thank you for that good work

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      The information was very useful

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