Describe an experiment to determine thermal conductivity of glass.

Describe an experiment to determine thermal conductivity of glass.

Describe an experiment to determine thermal conductivity of glass.

  • Glass s cut in form of a thin disc of cross section area, A and thickness, x.
  • The disc is sandwiched between a steam chest and brass slab of mass, m and specific heat capacity, c.
  • Steam is passed through the chest until the thermometers register steady temperatures, θ1 and θ2.

  • The glass disc is removed and brass slab is heated directly by steam chest, until its temperature is about 100C above θ1.
  • Steam chest is removes and the top of the glass slab is covered by the glass disc.
  • The temperature of the slab is recorded at suitable time interval until its temperature is about 100C below θ1.
  • A graph of temperature against time is plotted and its slope s determined at θ1

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