Describe how the method of fertilization and other reproductive strategies in mammals have contributed to their evolutionary success.

  • internal fertilization increases the chances of sperms to meet the egg.
  • Some animals go on ‘heat’ that coincides with ovulation and mating at this point increases chances of fertilization
  • Courtship behaviour ensures that the male with desired traits mates and passes on the genes to the subsequent generation
  • Territorial behaviour by some mammals ensures that the dominant male with desired traits mates and passes on the genes
  • Protection of the newly born increases its chances of survival
  • Development of secondary sexual characteristics enables mature male to mate with mature female
  • Female receptive to male only when ovulation has taken place
  • The development of placenta creates a barrier of harmful substance from the fetus
  • Embryo develops internally and well protected
  • Parental care increases chances of survival of the offspring
  • Offspring learn survival skills from the parents
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